Author Topic: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script  (Read 34060 times)

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Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2013, 08:27:23 PM »
Look Arthur... Pinion should not be on GMOD.

Allow me to reason here.

Lets compare some details of GMOD to details of TF2.

In GMOD, we pay about $20 to get GMOD (guys, correct me on prices if you feel the need), and an extra $20 for base content (unless we feel like pirating CSS content, like most people who have recently been GBanned by Garry Newman).

Now, I would understand being locked at a MOTD for 30 seconds to ensure that I have read a list of rules, instructions, and penalties for breaking the rules. That would just be server administrators attempting to ensure people do not have an excuse for breaking the rules.

However, being locked at the MOTD to watch an AD is annoying. I did a poll among 100 players from random servers.

73% said that they would stop playing on their favorite server if they were forced to watch a 30 second advert when they connect.

25% said they would seriously consider talking to their server owner about removing it.

2% went offline as soon as I had mentioned Pinion being on GMOD.

Now this plugin is understandable on TF2.

Tf2 is free to play. I would expect that kind of to happen on free to play.

Tf2 is full of snotty kids that would just spam the continue button anyway.

Anyway, my time is too precious to continue explaining why Pinion should NEVER be on GMOD. EVER.

So i would simply like to add that you should STFU and GTFO cease and desist immediately.

EDIT: Oh yeah, keep in mind GMOD server hosting, well for me, a 32 slot gmod server, non branded hosted in central US with 100 mb/s anti-ddos, costs me $25.50 a month. In australia, the same deal costs an average of $110 a month (I'm not kidding... gmod hosting in australia must use <censor> diamond engraved server racks)

So keeping that in mind, 32 slots, lets say you have 32 new connections every hour for a month. Average 30 days in a month, 24 hours in a day, 32 x 24 = 768. 768 x 30 = 23040

23,040 impressions. At a rate of $2.20 per 1000, thats 23040 / 1000 = 23.04 x 2.2 = 50.688.

For a completely impossible scenario such as that where you have 32 players on your server at all times, with 32 fresh connections on the hour every hour, you are looking at $50.69 USD. That falls short of the money I fork out for a website and 32 slot GMOD server. And thats assuming i can keep my server full and players reconnecting every hour to watch a full advert.

An impossible scenario, with a ridiculously small reward for achieving the impossible.

Conclusion: Pinion does NOT at all pay for your server. And in a real world scenario, you'd be lucky to get $5 out of these guys. What's that, a cup of coffee? Hey, well done, you managed to get over 2000 people to connect in a month... here have a coffee! Please....

Increase your payouts, maybe you'd have a chance. $2.20 per 1000 may work on TF2, where 10yr old prebs get buttmad that they cant beat a sniper with a huntsman while they are rage heavyhacking, and decide to leave, then come back every 5 minutes to see if the guy that beat them has left, however here on GMOD, if someone is buttmad about something, and they were in the wrong, usually, an admin bans them so fast and hard up the arse that they dont come back for... like... EVER...
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 09:23:21 PM by rainbow Dash »
Uhm, whats a signature?

Offline MrPresident

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2013, 10:12:32 PM »
Rainbow Dash, This post was unnecessary. There is a difference in making a point and being demeaning.
He's already stated that all they're doing is offering hosts an option. Even if it is a bad one. Let the server admins make their own call.

Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2013, 10:40:29 PM »
Ye, sorry MrP... just got a little angry off at the tone of his posts, felt the need to vent anger...

*edit: Please don't use curse words*
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 10:57:16 PM by MrPresident »
Uhm, whats a signature?

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2013, 12:21:16 PM »
I don't know. It is a neat idea, but to advertise in game servers (except for like VIP or donations of your own), I don't believe in it.

While I was on the website, I did read something funny.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 12:23:04 PM by chaos13125 »
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline sabo

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2013, 04:19:06 PM »
I don't know. It is a neat idea, but to advertise in game servers (except for like VIP or donations of your own), I don't believe in it.

While I was on the website, I did read something funny.

wow... just wow lol

He is just giving you an oportunity and just because you dislike it you go all apeshit on him?

Please kill yourself.

Offline iSnipeu

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2013, 06:04:53 PM »
wow... just wow lol

He is just giving you an oportunity and just because you dislike it you go all apeshit on him?

Please kill yourself.
lol dude, you telling him to kill himself isn't any better than what he did.

Offline morten7000

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2013, 09:31:18 AM »
Hmm my opinion about this.. I think I get drawed along with all the negative respondes from people. They all have some good ancels to see this from.. And all the Negative responds on facepunch aswell.. I dont know.. I think like MrP said. If you have good and enjoyable server, then you dont need ads.

But dont get me wrong here. I know why you did releash this. I see what you want to go with this... But i just think I will skip.

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2013, 11:18:03 AM »
lol dude, you telling him to kill himself isn't any better than what he did.

I hope for him that he does not take my words seriously lol, that is obviously a joke and not meant to actually death threat someone :o sowwy

Offline Rhapsody

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2013, 12:08:52 PM »
Bumping because relevant.

Firstly, I'm going to go out and say that our servers for Garry's Mod use Pinion, because of the fact that it generates us extra revenue. We have enough players to justify it anyhow, and the players themselves state that they aren't bothered by the ads, and if they are, they don't hesitate to nicely tell us so we can do something about it. This shows that, even though we have ads, we have a nice and understanding userbase. Pinion can't pay for the server itself, but it goes alongside the donations we get that allow us to extend the life of the servers or make new ones. We explicitly tell the users this, and tell them that if they're bothered by the ads and we can't solve it, they can always donate to just get rid of the ads. We even told our users that if we say a larger amount of donations, we will discuss getting rid of the ads. We're not holding them hostage like that, no. It's a compromise that they don't need to take part it. bender180, I believe this disproves you, given that our TTT server is full every night.

Secondly, this thread is to discuss what could either A. be made better about the plugin, or B. give constructive criticism on it or say how you like it. Explicitly telling them that you hate the concept of something you're not being forced to use is both immature and pointless. It's even worse when you go out of your way to insult the coder and the servers that run it. No one cares if you don't like servers that run the plugin, unfortunately, since the base concept is all there is to it.

Anyhow, I don't exactly like having ads on the server either, but it gets us revenue that we can save up and get rid of it eventually.

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2013, 12:52:57 PM »
Rhapsody, though personal attacks towards the author/business owner by others here, admittedly, are over the top, stating one's opinion of how much one might dislike it (with a passion, in my own case) does not make one immature.
It seems very much to me that the original release post was written as a straight advertisement, not a, in your words, " thread is to discuss what could either A. be made better about the plugin, or B. give constructive criticism". Though most other release threads do seem written the way you describe, this one smells of straight up 'sell-out'.

We've allowed this release to stay for now, even with seemingly most of our community being in disagreement with its purpose.
As a compromise to our community, like your servers 'donate or watch ads', we allow our community members to remain open about their feelings towards it, as long they keep discussion clean enough that any age family member could read it - that compromise includes negative discussion about it.

Personally, I'm offended that of all the ways for this 2 month old sleeping release thread to be woken up, positively or negatively, it was done by a first time registered community member making their first post.
I like to welcome new members, and, really, I do welcome you, but, I have to be honest, it's with a slightly sour taste in my mouth as I keep hoping this release thread will fade to the back pages.
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Offline Rhapsody

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Re: Pinion Adverts Garry's Mod LUA Script
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2013, 01:56:46 PM »
I'm simply saying that the opinions could've been shared in, I don't know, a less offensive way? Sorry about that.