<clip> it can be set to disable the initial 'on join' ad, and only serve an advertisement if / when the map changes.
Great. Thanks for the details.
So translated to those non-sales-people-speak who might consider using this to support your community, option 1 = bait and switch.
You join server, see no adv, perhaps you like it enough to play an entire round of whatever, you get excited for the next map, wait, whats this? You have to watch an adv to continue.
At the end of the day, it is just 30 seconds. Why not
Oh, sure, just like back in the late 60s, an advertiser might have said "at the end of the hour, it's just 10 minutes".
Today, it's 20.
Personally, I find in my face forced advertisements a thing of the past, both on TV and on PC.
TV, I have Tivo OTA with Fast forward, and Roku netbox with subscription to Netflix+Amazon.
PC, I have hosts file to block most ad sites, plus Netflix/Amazon and any other vid site that doesn't force crappy vid ads on me.
And as an advertising company, don't even get me started on "but if you don't watch ads, the content won't be as good"
13 Emmy's for Netflix's House of Cards will prove you wrong.
I'm sure I can find other meaningful statistics, that's just the one off top of my head.
You're release just angers me as part of what is wrong with corporate baloney.
"We're here to help you keep your community server alive...honest!" while pocketing the majority of profits.
For now, stepping off soap box.