Author Topic: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins  (Read 107209 times)

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Offline giloh

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #90 on: June 08, 2010, 07:15:16 PM »
Is this addon still working for people?

Also, is this supposed to be spelt wrong
hook.Add( "Initialize", "LimitInitilize", init )

Offline JamminR

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #91 on: June 08, 2010, 07:24:36 PM »
Other than conflict with any other addon that also uses the same method to limit Gmod spawn limits (DarkRP prop ban, URestrict, few others), I honestly don't know.
As for spelling, probably but not sure. The misspelled word is supposed to be unique. I could see purposely not spelling it right so that it would be.
Are you having particular trouble with it, or just asking before you try?
There has been quite a bit of time since I last tried it, and several Gmod updates since... always possible something in it was broken over time.
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Offline DiscoBiscuit

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #92 on: June 08, 2010, 09:16:01 PM »
It's working fine for me!

Offline lavacano201014

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #93 on: July 09, 2010, 01:28:26 PM »
Also, is this supposed to be spelt wrong
hook.Add( "Initialize", "LimitInitilize", init )

I'm assuming you mean the thing in bold. And to tell the truth, it doesn't really have to be something specific.

If you're getting what you think are hook conflicts, you can change that to anything. For best effect, let your fingers have a spasm over your keyboard, like this: ktyhjrdhykrfgjhnrekjyhejdhgkure

(alphanumeric only, so only letters and numbers are OK. I think)
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Offline atomicspark

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #94 on: July 16, 2010, 07:27:40 PM »
Did some debugging on the Linux version of the Garry's Mod dedicated server. Turns out that the ulib folder in UnoLimited_v2/lua/ULib/modules/ needs to be lowercase. I went ahead and lowercased everything for good practice. Just a heads up!

[EDIT-JamminR] -Post attachment removed - First (release) post updated. New version #. Thanks AtomicSpark.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 09:27:03 PM by JamminR »

Offline $ausage

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #95 on: July 23, 2010, 04:27:18 PM »
I stuck this on our server, but upon trying to spawn something, a lua error appears and the prop does not spawn. I forgot what the exact error said...something about spawning, for sure.


Offline DiscoBiscuit

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #96 on: July 23, 2010, 10:11:54 PM »
Do you have ULX/ULib SVN version? As in you downloaded it with TortoiseSVN or something similar? If so, make sure you're using the UnoLimited V2 stated in the OP. If not, try the UnoLimited V1.1.

Offline JamminR

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2010, 10:05:01 AM »
Indeed, make sure you have the proper version as DiscoBiscuit said. v1.x does not require ULib.
v2.x is for (currently) SVN versions of ULib only.

An exact error would really be helpful.

Also, as several other posts in this thread discuss, DarkRP (or any edit of it) overrides the same command this uses for it's prop banning system.
Not only that, the DarkRP version (at one time? no idea if now) of Prop banning doesn't allow other scripts to continue if the prop is allowed.
URestrict will also conflict, as it's prop limiting system uses same idea from this release (but also requires SVN ULib)
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Offline yutzybrian

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #98 on: December 24, 2010, 05:04:13 PM »
Anyone determine a fix? It does absolutely nothing when I install. No error messages and it restricts everyone to the same settings

Offline JamminR

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #99 on: December 24, 2010, 07:29:06 PM »
So far, no proven error with the program has been shown by anyone.
However, it has been many Gmod and even ULib updates since any posted in this thread.
Some things to remember I've learned over the past few pages;

Can't test it in Single player.
Gmod doesn't run the limit check function in SP. (This uses modified functions of those, but, they don't run either)

UNoLimited version - v1 requires no ULib. If using ULib, doesn't matter what version
v2+ requires latest ULib SVN for group checking.

Limits - I've seen several try to set 'limits' for v2 to more than 2x. Can't do it. UNolimited falls back to normal limit if number is higher than 2.
Groups - If you're using custom groups (owner for example, for some reason, seems to be popular), you'd need to add it to your v2 configuration.
If not using v2, well, I forget how I coded it, but I'm pretty sure you need to actually be superadmin or admin in Gmod's 'isusergroup' function.

DarkRP - Doesn't work with this 95+% of the time. Last I saw, DarkRP uses the same Gmod functions for it's prop ban system that this does. As I've suggested before, if using DarkRP, ask the authors of it to extend it's prop banning system to include limit checking system for diff group levels. (It's really not hard to do)

URestrict - Latest versions of Urestrict include same/tweaked code from UNoLimited. They'll fight each other. (Though at this time, many reports of URestrict being broken exist, and we've not seen much, if any, of Jay lately. We hope he's ok)

Now, with all the above checked... try to give some more detail. Using which version of UNoLimited? v1 is the simplest.
If your not using a conflicting gamemode or mod (that use the same functions this does), v1 should work for you as long as Gmod sees you as an admin or superadmin.
If using v2, does your server console at start up show it loading when ULib is showing shared module startup?
No errors? I'd find that odd. Even an error at startup should occur if a problem is occurring. Conflicting mods would show one or the other mod hooks failing on the server then being removed, usually the first time a prop is spawned.

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Offline yutzybrian

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #100 on: December 26, 2010, 08:27:00 AM »
Full dump file attached and my config for unolimited. Its v2.2 and no I don't get any errors. I have also experienced issues with URestrict (no I didn't have both installed at the same time). All ULX addons I have in folder: XGUI, Unolimited, and UClip (doesn't work as well)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 08:31:47 AM by yutzybrian »

Offline JamminR

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #101 on: December 26, 2010, 09:52:59 AM »
Didn't look at other stuff yet, but, let's clarify this first;
Do you want your superadmins to be able to spawn nothing?
From my config notes
Quote from: JamminR
-- Range is 0 (0 percent) to 2 (200 percent). Setting a group to 0 will limit that group to nothing.

So is your complaint that it's not limiting at all?
All groups hit the limit at your server setting no matter what group?

Also, though it's possible I just don't see it, I find no message of ULib or UNoLimited loading in your condump.
(Though, ULX does indeed load, presume it's there somewhere)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 10:05:04 AM by JamminR »
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Offline yutzybrian

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #102 on: December 26, 2010, 10:27:01 AM »
I don't use superadmin. Admin has about the same rights as a normal superadmin just not certain allow and deny settings. I did that so Owner (me) would have the most permissions.

And correct all players are hitting the limits

Offline Cyberuben

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #103 on: July 23, 2011, 05:03:31 PM »
Sorry that I'm bumping this EXTREMELY old topic, but how can I add SENTs to the list? I can't spawn SENTs as superadmin / custom ranks, also... people can still spawn guns with LEFT mouse while 'sbox_maxsents' = '0'

Offline JamminR

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Re: UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins
« Reply #104 on: July 23, 2011, 09:19:08 PM »
Ugh. <censor> Garry. He can't make up his mind.
I didn't know Garry had added back sbox_maxsents ( http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1095234-gmod_game-Added-sbox_maxsents )
He removed it in 2008. (Can't find changelog, but I actually posted about it http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,3327.msg10015.html#msg10015 )

So, I may or may not update this. Odd thing is, I didn't think it would allow you to proceed if set to 0.
Might research, might not.
Look within the code, it may still be commented out (has -- in front of lines regarding maxsents)
See also - newer active release here called URS. Might have same ability.

Open your unolimited.lua. Find all the commands that look similar to below. Add code below after an 'end' but before a next 'function' of those similar looking code bits. Not tested, may not work, but, is basically same i used to have before 'fixing' it in 2008 after Garry removed sbox_maxsents.
Code: [Select]
   Name: gamemode:PlayerSpawnSENT( ply, name )
   Desc: Return true if player is allowed to spawn the SENT
function GAMEMODE:PlayerSpawnSENT( ply, name )
    return LimitReachedProcess( ply, "sents" )   
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 09:41:11 PM by JamminR »
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