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Sourcebans integration

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I've been looking into this quite a lot today, and I think some of you might be interested too.
I found someones attempt at creating a sourcebans compatable module for ULX, although they do not have garrysmod so were unable to test. I downloaded the script and had a look and fixed up a few things.

Long story short, I give you working code to create 3 functions (and ULX commands) to ban/unban using SourceBans.
I admit, my code could be cleaner, If anyone could take the time to cleanse it for me I'd be greatful but since it works as-is I'm going to leave it be.

Chat commands:
!sban <name> <time> <reason> -- Ban a user by their name (Uses sm_ban)
!sbanid <steamid> <time> <reason> -- Ban a user by their SteamID (Uses sm_addban)
!sunban <steamid> -- Unbans a user by their SteamID (Uses sm_unban)

Console commands:
ulx sban <name> <time> <reason> -- Ban a user by their name (Uses sm_ban)
ulx sbanid <steamid> <time> <reason> -- Ban a user by their SteamID (Uses sm_addban)
ulx sunban <steamid> -- Unbans a user by their SteamID (Uses sm_unban)

While I HAVE tested this code and confirm it to be working with ULX SVN revision 27, I make no guarantee that it will work for you, you may have a conflicting addon or garry may have broken something AGAIN.

Original credit goes to Alteran Ancient of www.interwavestudios.com/forums for the original release.

If this does break in future, and I'm still using it, I will most likely post a fix, If I'm not still using sourcebans to track my server bans then I'm sorry but I doubt I will have much interest in fixing this.

And here's the code!

--- Code: ---ulx.setCategory( "Sourcebans" )
function ulx.cc_sban( ply, command, argv, args )
if #argv < 1 then
ULib.tsay( ply, ulx.LOW_ARGS, true )

local target, err = ULib.getUser( argv[ 1 ], _, ply )
local target1 = ( "#" .. target:UserID() )

if not target then
ULib.tsay( ply, err, true )

local bantime = tonumber( argv[ 2 ] ) or 0
local dummy, dummy, reason = args:find( "^\"*" .. ULib.makePatternSafe( argv[ 1 ] ) .. "\"*%s+" .. ULib.makePatternSafe( argv[ 2 ] or "" ) .. "%s+(.*)$" )
reason = reason or "" -- Make sure it has a value

if bantime < 0 then
ULib.tsay( ply, "Invalid number!", true )

local time = "for " .. bantime .. " minute(s)"
//if bantime == 0 then time = "permanently" end
if reason ~= "" then reason = "(" .. reason .. ")" end
ulx.logUserAct( ply, target, "#A banned #T " .. time .. " " .. reason )

ply:ConCommand( "sm_ban " .. target1 .. " " .. bantime .. " " .. reason )
ulx.concommand( "sban", ulx.cc_sban, "<user> [<time>] [<reason>] - Bans a user for x minutes with Sourcebans, use 0 for permaban.", ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN, "!sban", _, ulx.ID_PLAYER_HELP )
ulx.addToMenu( ulx.ID_MCLIENT, "Sourcebans Ban (perma)", "ulx sban #T 0" )
ulx.addToMenu( ulx.ID_MCLIENT, "Sourcebans Ban (5 mins)", "ulx sban #T 5" )
ulx.addToMenu( ulx.ID_MCLIENT, "Sourcebans Ban (60 mins)", "ulx sban #T 60" )
ulx.addToMenu( ulx.ID_MCLIENT, "Sourcebans Ban (1 day)", "ulx sban #T 1440" )

function ulx.cc_sbanid( ply, cmd, argv, args )
if #argv < 1 then
ULib.tsay( ply, ulx.LOW_ARGS, true )

if not string.find( argv[ 1 ], "STEAM_%d:%d:%d+" ) then
ULib.tsay( ply, "Invalid steamid." )

local bantime = tonumber( argv[ 2 ] ) or 0

if bantime < 0 then
ULib.tsay( ply, "Invalid number!", true )

local reason = string.gsub( args, "%s*" .. argv[ 1 ] .. "%s*" .. argv[ 2 ] .. "%s*", "" )

local time = "for " .. bantime .. " minute(s)"
//if bantime == 0 then time = "permanently" end
if reason then
ulx.logServAct( ply, string.format( "#A banned id %s %s (%s)", argv[ 1 ], time, reason ) )
ulx.logServAct( ply, string.format( "#A banned id %s %s", argv[ 1 ], time ) )
//ULib.addBan( argv[ 1 ], bantime, reason, nil, ply )

if file.Exists( "../cfg/banned_user.cfg" ) then
ULib.execFile( "../cfg/banned_user.cfg" )
ply:ConCommand("sm_addban " .. bantime .. " " .. argv[ 1 ] .. " " .. reason )
ulx.concommand( "sbanid", ulx.cc_sbanid, "<steamid> [<time>] [<reason>] - Add a steamid to Sourcebans database, use 0 for perma.", ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN, "!sbanid", _, ulx.ID_HELP )

function ulx.cc_sunban( ply, cmd, argv, args )
if #argv < 1 then
ULib.tsay( ply, ulx.LOW_ARGS, true )

if not string.find( argv[ 1 ], "STEAM_%d:%d:%d+" ) then
ULib.tsay( ply, "Invalid steamid.", true )

ply:ConCommand("sm_unban " .. argv[ 1 ] )

ulx.logServAct( ply, "#A unbanned steamid " .. argv[ 1 ] )
ulx.concommand( "sunban", ulx.cc_sunban, "<steamid> - Remove the specified steamid from the banlist.", ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN, "!sunban", _, ulx.ID_HELP )
--- End code ---

Simply create a file called sban.lua in addons\Sourcebans ULX Integration\lua\ulx\modules and paste this code inside.

Been discussed much here. I didn't have sourcebans to test.
Couldn't find many willing testers.
And now currently don't have Gmod installed.
Anyway, here's a post by Megiddo, which I linked to other discussions in my reply.

I hate to bump a super old topic, but I'm wondering two things:

Does this still work?
Is there any way to replace the standard ulx ban buttons on the derma with these commands?

This wouldn't work with ULX svn.. command structure totally re-written.
As for replacement, this already adds to menu, you'd have to remove default ban button codes.
That too wouldn't be difficult.

Moved a long sub-thread out of this thread to here: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,4632.0.html


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