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Sourcebans integration

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Since this is dead and i've got multiple servers and want them all connected through sourcebans, could someone have a go at fixing this, i mean do i have to install sourcemod onto my garrys mod server, I'm pretty sure it will not work because it runs on .dll files not lua.

Thanks for reading



--- Quote from: Buggzie on June 13, 2010, 06:36:22 AM ---go at fixing this, i mean do i have to install sourcemod onto my garrys mod server,

--- End quote ---
Once our SVN is put out as a release, I plan on having a go at converting many of the releases that would be easy to convert.
This is one of them.,
As for SourceMod installation, yes, this and every other sourceban lua release I've seen is intended for SourceBans running on the gmod server.
When this release was made SourceBans could be installed following instructions found through Google or other search engines.
I've no idea about now.

Is there any news on this, does this work, or has it been converted, I really need this.

I realize this is dead and super old, but if someone could get ulx working with sourcebans on gmod 13 I would be forever happy.

Also willing to test with a large server.

Tristian Wood:

--- Quote from: ZachPL on November 04, 2012, 03:35:11 PM ---I realize this is dead and super old, but if someone could get ulx working with sourcebans on gmod 13 I would be forever happy.

Also willing to test with a large server.

--- End quote ---
I agree It would be extremely helpful.


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