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Sourcebans integration

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Apparently ALOT has changed in Gmod 13.  Garry forked off his own version of the orangebox engine and most things have changed.

The Sourcemod/Metamod Source team would have to reverse engineer Gmod 13 to fix it and to do that to a new engine is a huge undertaking plus only a few hundred servers were using Sourcemod/Metamod so they dont see it a feasible course of action.


--- Quote from: PAL-18 on December 08, 2012, 02:47:53 PM ---Apparently ALOT has changed in Gmod 13.  Garry forked off his own version of the orangebox engine and most things have changed.

The Sourcemod/Metamod Source team would have to reverse engineer Gmod 13 to fix it and to do that to a new engine is a huge undertaking plus only a few hundred servers were using Sourcemod/Metamod so they dont see it a feasible course of action.

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Ah yes, I remember Garry talking about wanting to modify core engine functions, now. Can't blame the sourcemod/metamod people at all for their choice.


--- Quote from: centran on December 05, 2012, 02:28:03 PM ---Anyone who wants sourcebans is not fricked. You don't need sourcemod to run sourcebans.

There was a script made that access the sourcebans DB directly. I posted a forum topic on how to integrate it with ULX. http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5875.0.html
I posted a new topic because this one is outdated. Even if sourcemod worked with gmod13 this script still wouldn't work with the current version of ulx.

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By "this script", do you mean the one in this thread or the script in all threads?


--- Quote from: PAL-18 on December 11, 2012, 07:17:40 PM ---By "this script", do you mean the one in this thread or the script in all threads?

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I mean the one in this thread.

You can't update the script to work the the current ULX?


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