Hi all
Well I recently got my clan a gmod server, I'm currently running it on build with 12 slots

I've heard that ULX is by far the best admin plugin for gmod so I've gone ahead and installed it, (I'm sure I've installed it properly ULIB and ULX through SVN).
ULIB seems to come with the "superadmin" and "admin" groups, however my clan has a much more expansive hierarchy of ranks ^^, in total I need about 11-12 groups, I've replaced the users.txt in the garrysmod/settings folder to have all of my clans members under their ranking so instead of...
"user2" "steamID"
"user1" "steamID"
} et.c
"user1" "steamID"
"acting console"
"user2" "steamID"
"junior admin"
"user3" "steamID"
} etc.
I've named the groups in the groups.txt in the data/ulib/groups.txt the same with the corresponding powers I want each rank to have.
Initially as users joined they automatically were added to the users.txt file in the garrysmod/data/ulib folder through their steam ID under the correct rank with access to the correct powers, however after the list had about 5 people on anyone who joined who should have been added to the list with respective powers to their rank wasn't added, no one more could be added it would seem : /
So I tried deleting the content of the users.txt in the data/ulib folder to see if it would start adding people automatically again but now it refuses to add anyone at all....
does this mean I have to add the users manually again from the users.txt in garrysmod/settings to the data/ulib users.txt? Cause that's about 110 users I'd have to add

Or should I just uninstall and try again?
I'm really confused I can't seem to find any tuts on adding custom multiple groups to ULX, that or I'm just being stupid and missing something totally blatantly obvious :/
I realise the above may not be clear, I'd be happy to answer any question to help...
Thanks in Advance!