Bllargh, sorry for the lack of updates and whatnot. School is starting to pick up as I'm approaching the last couple weeks, but after that I should be going much, MUCH faster on this! (Like.. Finishing before the new year!.. hopefully..)
@Aaron: Restrictions are.. haven't changed.

It will be my first priority as soon as school has settled down!
@riki137, JamminR: I believe they were two separate issues entirely, and sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this. I missed a tiny important bit of code when adding the new command restrictions panel that was causing issues with the UTeam settings, and it is now fixed.
Speaking of being fixed, I was able to get a small update out! I fixed above mentioned mouse input issue, and I also fixed an regarding incorrect cvar values throwing errors in XGUI (which I stumbled on completely by accident-- for some reason my ulx_logEcho var was set to '2exit'....). And the last change is that the infobar now displays the ULX SVN revision number! (Be sure to update your ULX to make sure it works properly)
And one last piece of good news for you--
So! Download via the now working SVN link:
.or download it straight from github via this link:! Here's the short changelog:
*Changed: Infobar now shows the ULX SVN revision number!
=Fixed: XGUI errors when number cvars like ulx_logEcho were set to a string value.
=Fixed: The animation clip panel for the command restrictions was starting out as visible, so mouse input was ignored on half of the UTeam settings panel.