Now that vacation is over, and school is fast approaching....
Update!This *was* a minor bugfix update until I decided to add a few features I've been meaning to put in for a while. So instead of a 2PM release, it became a 9:30PM release

. Oh well, totally worth it!
The most major changes are the two new
chat commands!:
!fban <player> and
!xban <optional player>
Both of these will open the add ban window, along with the Name and SteamID of the player with the partial name you specified! !xban will open the ban menu normally, but !fban will freeze the player giving you time to set a reason and ban length before banning them, so they don't cause any more damage! Also, (bugfix) now if you close the ban window while they're frozen, it will unfreeze them.
Also changed to the add ban window is the Name textbox was replaced with an editable dropdown box where you can type the name of a new SteamID you are adding, or you can select an active player to ban from there. The ban reason field was also changed to add support for ULXs new autocomplete kick/ban reasons!
When specifying a length of ban via the dropdown box and the slider, if "Permanent" is selected, the slider/numberwang will now be disabled as to avoid confusion.
On the settings tab, you can now specify a URL for the MOTD, instead of reading from the file!
Then there's just your usual bugfixes and minor changes.

Be sure to check the changelog below for all of the goodies!
Now go download it! Since there were no pics this time, I'll just put some fancy download links instead!
>> Download via Github! <<>> SVN: <<
(Requires LATEST SVN versions of ULX and ULib!)07/25/2010
+Added: You can now specify an MOTD URL
+Added: !fban and !xban chat commands
+Added: Support for removing added choices for certain commands (ulx vote)
+Added: Support for disabling DTextEntry, DNumSlider, DMutliChoice and DNumberWang controls.
*Changed: Commands with choices (vote) now support a max value (You can only specify 10 ulx vote choices)
*Changed: In the add ban window, the Name field was replaced with an editable DMultiChoice that lists names of active players.
*Changed: Add Ban window now supports ULX's preset reasons.
=Fixed: Slider/NumberWang for time is disabled on the add ban window when set to "Permanent".
=Fixed: ulx_logdir button wouldn't show up on first join.
=Fixed: Lag when processing large amounts of bans all at once.
=Fixed: Closing the banwindow when opened with freezeban wouldn't unfreeze the player
=Fixed: Minor focus issues when selecting a DMultiChoice while a DTextEntry is selected.
-Removed: xgui restrictData replaced with a more reliable data duplication prevention method.