I really wish I had gotten this finished before school started.. Oh well, I think it's about time for an
update!No major new features in this version *cough*restrictions*cough*, but there are some changes/additions to the groups module you might enjoy!

Firstly, some annoying bugs have been squashed-- XGUI should now work on Single Player, the add player to group function of the groups module no longer errors when you have a partially messed up users table, and the add player by SteamID window now works!
Next, I ended up splitting the xgui_helpers into two files: xgui_helpers is now for various functions used by XGUI, whereas the new xlib file is specifically for creating derma controls (via xlib.make<blah> instead of x_make<blah>, for those of you who happen to have made a module for XGUI already). xlib should be able to be a standalone library, in case anyone wants to use it. (Even though right now it's a bit unstandardized and has a few xgui-specific stuff in it.. I'll get around to fixing that later)
Now for changes you'll really care about-- the groups module is a lot more friendlier! Animation chains now run a lot faster (so that any animation change should equal the total animation time, ~0.2 seconds), and it also now remembers where you were when you change groups! So if you're currently editing the accesses of "admin", you could quickly change the group to "superadmin" and it would close/reopen everything back to superadmin's access editor!
And there's a few new features with accesses now, too: I sorted the command accesses by categories (because the one list of all of the command accesses was quite large..) And now like the cmds module, only one category can be opened at a time-- by opening one, it closes the previously opened one.
-You can now right click on an access to access some extra commands -- you can remove inherited accesses, and also grant access on top of an inherited access (for adding multiple restriction tags per group). See screenshot below!

Anyways, that's enough babbling for me, I need to get back to programmin'! Enjoy!
(Also, apparently the git SVN links are still down, so.. That kinda sucks

=Fixed: Unauthed Error when playing on single-player.
*Changed: Moved all of the derma control creation stuff into it's own library: xlib.
*Changed: All of the x_make<blah> functions are now xlib.make<blah>
-Removed 'variable name reference' comment block from the beginning of xgui_helpers (xlib)-- will replace/update when xlib is more standardized.
|Groups Module|
+Added: You can now right-click on an access to access more settings.
+Added: You now have the ability remove an access from the group it's inherited from.
+Added: You can now grant access on top of an inherited tag. (Used for applying a new restriction tag on top of an inherited access)
*Changed: UTeam modifier values now have limits, and the sliders now reflect their max/min values (eg, you can't set stepSize > 512)
*Chagned: Much like in the cmds module, the categories of accesses are now open one at a time-- opening a new one will close the previously opened one.
*Changed: Command accesses are now categorized by their category (e.g: Cmds - Fun)
*Changed: Chained animations now animate faster to match target animation time overall. (def. 0.22 sec)
*Changed: When switching groups, the panels close, then reopen to the spot where you were previously working.
=Fixed: Animations are (generally) more stable when the animation time is set extremely low.
=Fixed: removeuserid not calling a refresh properly.
=Fixed: Add by SteamID window now functions like it's supposed to. (It now closes and adds the steamID when enter is pressed, and displays an error when an invalid STEAMID is entered).
=Fixed: Bug where users in ULib.ucl.users who didn't have a group assigned to them would prevent the Add.. player button from working properly.
=Fixed: Updated code handling inherited states of accesses. It now properly reflects their inherited value/active restriction tag.
-Removed: crouchedWalkSpeed and maxSpeed UTeam modifiers. (They were pointless?)
|XGUI Settings|
=Fixed: Set the textcolor of the label "Derma Theme:" to black to match the other text.