Update!To kick off spring break (at least, for me), I have here a much-awaited update! I also hope to get a whole lot more done over the next two weeks, so stay tuned!
This update finally marks the completion of per-group restrictions! As seen in the picture below, any commands that have restrictions (inherited from other groups or not) is highlighted in orange. Once a command is selected, you can view the restrictions on the right-hand side (If restrictions are not active on a particular argument, then the related category is collapsed).

Next up, I finally got around to getting away from Garry's default color picker and refactored his code to make my own which doesn't rely on convars and allows better handling of colors being changed when the mouse is released (or textbox enter is pressed), along with changes that are immediate (when the mouse is being dragged around).
This allowed me to add color pickers that will allow you to change the colors of the colored Tsay echoes Megiddo implemented a few revisions ago. Check it out!

Lastly, a lot of other changes were made-- Autocompletes for the XGUI console command are now in there, and I fixed some bugs and added autocomplete to the xgui show <tab> command. !xgui chat command no longer requires access to any access tag (Thanks Megiddo!), and panels that are slid open by clicking on say a command/player or clicking the manage permissions/teams buttons can now be closed by clicking a second time.
Update your ULX SVN and read the changelog below for the awesome details!
+Added: Finished the restrictions! You can now view and edit any group's per-command per-argument restrictions.
+Added: Any commands with restrictions show up as orange
+Added: XGUI console command now has autocomplete features (Thanks Megiddo!)
+Added: "xgui show <tabname>" or "!xgui <tabname>" now allows you to specify the name of a settings tab. i.e. ("xgui show sandbox")
+Added: New color picker that no longer uses convars! No longer requires inclusion of Garry's CtrlColor.lua file.
+Added: You can now set the colors of TSay Event Echoes in the Settings->Server->Command/Event Echoes module!
=Fixed: "!xgui" and "!menu" chat commands no longer require access to the "ulx help" tag in order to work.
=Fixed: "xgui show <tabname>" or "!xgui <tabname>" were not working.
=Fixed: Using "xgui show <tabname>" or "!xgui <tabname>" on a tab you didn't have access to would throw an error.
=Fixed: DCheckBoxes being disabled before they had been initally drawn wouldn't show up properly. (Removed lots of hackish workarounds to prevent this from earlier)
=Fixed: Ban details window wouldn't display reason in a tooltip.
=Fixed: Some string arguments were not receiving the correct restrictions in the cmds tab.
*Changed: xgui close concommand changed to xgui hide!
*Changed: You can now close sliding panels by deselecting the selected item in the list. (e.g. deselecting a command in the Cmds tab)
*Changed: You can now close the teams/access menus by clicking the Manage Teams/Permissions buttons a second time.