Why post it as a suggestion if the release already exists? I can understand going to the release and asking "hey, I'd really like to see this become active again"... but, a suggestion for ULib or ULX.. doubtful. ULX is an admin mod..not a browser/web app.
First, I can't see that mod coming alive again. It's like poking on a corpse. It's almost a year since it deceased.
Second I might have explained it bad. But when did I say I wanted a web browser application? I said I wanted boxes that contains information to the players.
Isn't ULX supposed to make it easier for the admins? That's exactly what those boxes will do.
You must be able to realize that explaining the rules for a certain events through typing is a lot more
annoying for the admins than just saying "If you don't know the rules please refer to !eventrules."
But seeing you being not helpful at all whatsoever makes me quite sure that this will never get made.
Thanks for your input in any case. *cough*