Author Topic: Quick usergroups help  (Read 2235 times)

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Offline Stephen304

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Quick usergroups help
« on: August 03, 2009, 02:36:22 PM »
I hate redoing usergroups, and i know a lot of other people do too. I once again ran into the "Everybody is unassigned" problem.

Here is stuff
Code: [Select]
"name" "Owner/Host"
"group" "owner"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "255"
"g" "0"
"r" "0"
"name" "SuperAdmins"
"group" "superadmin"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "0"
"r" "0"
"name" "Admins"
"group" "admin"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "255"
"r" "0"
"name" "Moderators"
"group" "moderator"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "0"
"r" "153"
"name" "Respected"
"group" "respected"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "102"
"r" "255"
"name" "Players"
"group" "user"
"armor" "100"
"hp" "100"
"a" "255"
"B" "0"
"g" "255"
"r" "255"
"1" "Sandbox"
"2" "SpaceBuild"

Code: [Select]
"ulx hiddenecho"
"ulx rcon"
"ulx luarun"
"ulx cexec"
"ulx ent"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx addgroup"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"
"ulx spawnecho"
"ulx tsay"
"ulx csay"
"ulx gimp"
"ulx mute"
"ulx ungimp"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx gag"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx chattime"
"ulx welcomemessage"
"ulx slap"
"ulx whip"
"ulx slay"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx playsound"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx god"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx hp"
"ulx armor"
"ulx cloak"
"ulx uncloak"
"ulx blind"
"ulx unblind"
"ulx jail"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx ghost"
"ulx unghost"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx maul"
"ulx strip"
"ulx adminmenu"
"ulx clientmenu"
"ulx mapsmenu"
"ulx showmotd"
"ulx banmenu"
"ulx exec"
"ulx rslotsmode"
"ulx rslots"
"ulx rslotsvisible"
"ulx reservedslots"
"ulx bring"
"ulx goto"
"ulx send"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx tooldeny"
"ulx toolallow"
"ulx tooldenyuser"
"ulx toolallowuser"
"ulx tooldenyoverride"
"ulx map"
"ulx kick"
"ulx ban"
"ulx banid"
"ulx unban"
"ulx spectate"
"ulx physgunplayer"
"ulx vote"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx voteban"
"ulx veto"
"ups disableplayers"
"ups miscdeletionaccess"
"ulx seeasay"
"ulx tsay"
"ulx csay"
"ulx gimp"
"ulx mute"
"ulx ungimp"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx gag"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx slap"
"ulx whip"
"ulx slay"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx god"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx hp"
"ulx armor"
"ulx cloak"
"ulx uncloak"
"ulx blind"
"ulx unblind"
"ulx jail"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx ghost"
"ulx unghost"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx maul"
"ulx strip"
"ulx adminmenu"
"ulx clientmenu"
"ulx mapsmenu"
"ulx banmenu"
"ulx bring"
"ulx goto"
"ulx send"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx map"
"ulx kick"
"ulx ban"
"ulx banid"
"ulx unban"
"ulx vote"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx voteban"
"ulx veto"
"ulx mute"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx gag"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx slap"
"ulx whip"
"ulx slay"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx god"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx hp"
"ulx armor"
"ulx jail"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx maul"
"ulx strip"
"ulx mapsmenu"
"ulx bring"
"ulx goto"
"ulx send"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx map"
"ulx kick"
"ulx vote"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx veto"
"ulx jail"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx god"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx bring"
"ulx goto"
"ulx help"
"ulx psay"
"ulx asay"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx menu"
"ulx motd"
"ulx usermanagementhelp"
"ulx who"
"ulx votemap"

I'm sure its something simple i am just overlooking. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Offline JamminR

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Re: Quick usergroups help
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2009, 03:08:48 PM »
Stephen, if you're going to be editing files manually, which, we discourage unless you know what you are doing, I strongly recommend you get an application like Notepad++ or any other text editor that follows code language construct.
I copied your Uteam.txt into notepad++, selected Lua language, and it drew lines from bracket to bracket quickly showing you missed an open bracket after team 5.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Stephen304

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Re: Quick usergroups help
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 06:19:55 PM »
Oh man u can do that???????????????????????????

i had no clue
Is there something like that for mac? i work cross platform a lot so sometimes i don't have access to a windows box.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 06:22:11 PM by Stephen304 »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Quick usergroups help
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2009, 06:24:19 PM »
I use TextMate on the Mac to do the same thing.
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Offline Stephen304

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Re: Quick usergroups help
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2009, 07:00:59 AM »
Cool thanks!