it was to data\ulx\groups.txt
There is no data/ulxgroups.txt, as least shouldn't be.
Should be a gmod/data/ULib/groups.txt (Never edit gmod/
How did you add yourself as superadmin?
If you followed the instructions using our readme and edited the default gmod/settings/users.txt , cheers. Thats our most recommended method.
For now, since you're pretty sure you haven't edited anything in a while, try (moving/deleting, your choice) gmod/data/ULib/groups.txt and gmod/data/ULib/misc_registered.txt
Make sure you're server is shut down while doing that, then restart it after making sure those files no longer reside there.
(I recommend moving/backing up the two files. If you end up losing some groups, I wouldn't copy them back, but at least open the files and see what groups I had and re-create them using ulx addgroup)