I got the info I needed, however, when I said menu, I meant the one that has Single Player, Options, Mulitplayer, Create Multiplayer, and a few other options (addons, mute, etc)
Ok, in another post where you included some logs, I saw you post an IP address that, from my experience, Windows only uses when it can't find one from a DHCP server.
Now, that being said, I'm not experienced enough to know if it should or should n0t be used on a Home LAN.
Are you on a home LAN, behind a hardware router?
Is you server behind the same router? Or do you have it on a public host somewhere? (I could probably find that info in a post somewhere too, but, meh)
If behind your home router, what IP address first two octets does it have (1.2.x.x) those two.