Author Topic: Different problems about accessing superadmin status and !menu  (Read 15830 times)

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Offline amonfel

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Different problems about accessing superadmin status and !menu
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:47:47 AM »
Hi there,

First of all, thanks for your ulx and ulib addons, when they work on my server they rocks, but... :D

Actually i've got a mess with my own registration as superadmin and with the commands. I read your wiki about access, and did what you can find on this post cause my case is pretty similar to it: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=3691.0 . But i use the svn version so maybe it works in another way.

So, yesterday for the fist time i ran my server with a user.txt in garry's mod settings like this :

   // This is your users file
   // You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
   // Add them to the relevant section
   // If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
   // in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

      "ploup"      "STEAM_0:0:13033894"
      //"garry"      "STEAM_0:1:7099"


Ulx and Ulib are freshly installed and there is no Ulib folder in the garry's mod data folder. I just putted my steam id and name in the user.txt and removed the "//" before my name.

[Oh yes, by the way you show in the wiki that you can put yourself as admin AND superadmin, but in the topic i linked above you tell the guy to not do this, so i didn't, cause first time it gave me the same problem as him, but following your instructions it worked]

So i restarted my server (i don't have the ability to shut it down for the moment i will ask verygames ppl to help me with it), and logged in my server. Everythings worked perfectly.
Due to unknow circumstances, when i restart my server before, sometimes i lose superadmin access, sometimes not. But this time it worked, so i decided to disable the automatic restart of my server to be sure i won't loose, and this morning when i logged in, i didn't have the superadmin access...

So, here is the problem, sometimes it recognize me as superadmin, sometimes not, and sometimes when i'm mot recognized as superadmin i'm kicked by console because of "No steamID"  :o. So i can't access the ulx command, so i cant use the ulx debuginfo....

If it can help i saw, even when it worked i never had a user.txt in my data/ulib folder. Dunno why it don't get created.

My second problem is, when i type !menu, not regarding the superadmin problem it doesnt' show it, it only works when i type ulx menu via the console.

Here are my group.txt and misc_registered.txt in my data folder if it can help.
      "ulx asay"
      "ulx clientmenu"
      "ulx help"
      "ulx logchat"
      "ulx logdir"
      "ulx logecho"
      "ulx logevents"
      "ulx logfile"
      "ulx logspawns"
      "ulx logspawnsecho"
      "ulx menu"
      "ulx motd"
      "ulx psay"
      "ulx thetime"
      "ulx usermanagementhelp"
      "ulx votebanminvotes"
      "ulx votebansuccessratio"
      "ulx voteecho"
      "ulx votekickminvotes"
      "ulx votekicksuccessratio"
      "ulx votemap"
      "ulx votemap2minvotes"
      "ulx votemap2successratio"
      "ulx votemapenabled"
      "ulx votemapmapmode"
      "ulx votemapmintime"
      "ulx votemapminvotes"
      "ulx votemapsuccessratio"
      "ulx votemapvetotime"
      "ulx votemapwaittime"
      "ulx who"
      "ulx addgroup"
      "ulx adduser"
      "ulx adduserid"
      "ulx cexec"
      "ulx ent"
      "ulx exec"
      "ulx groupallow"
      "ulx hiddenecho"
      "ulx luarun"
      "ulx maul"
      "ulx rcon"
      "ulx removegroup"
      "ulx removeuser"
      "ulx renamegroup"
      "ulx userallow"
   "inherit_from"   "admin"
      "ulx adminmenu"
      "ulx armor"
      "ulx ban"
      "ulx banid"
      "ulx banmenu"
      "ulx blind"
      "ulx bring"
      "ulx chattime"
      "ulx cloak"
      "ulx csay"
      "ulx freeze"
      "ulx gag"
      "ulx gimp"
      "ulx god"
      "ulx goto"
      "ulx hp"
      "ulx ignite"
      "ulx jail"
      "ulx kick"
      "ulx map"
      "ulx mapsmenu"
      "ulx mute"
      "ulx noclip"
      "ulx physgunplayer"
      "ulx playsound"
      "ulx ragdoll"
      "ulx reservedslots"
      "ulx rslots"
      "ulx rslotsmode"
      "ulx rslotsvisible"
      "ulx send"
      "ulx showmotd"
      "ulx slap"
      "ulx slay"
      "ulx spawnecho"
      "ulx spectate"
      "ulx sslay"
      "ulx strip"
      "ulx teleport"
      "ulx tooldenyoverride"
      "ulx tsay"
      "ulx unban"
      "ulx unblind"
      "ulx uncloak"
      "ulx unfreeze"
      "ulx ungag"
      "ulx ungimp"
      "ulx ungod"
      "ulx unignite"
      "ulx unigniteall"
      "ulx unjail"
      "ulx unmute"
      "ulx unragdoll"
      "ulx veto"
      "ulx vote"
      "ulx voteban"
      "ulx votekick"
      "ulx votemap2"
      "ulx welcomemessage"
      "ulx whip"
   "inherit_from"   "operator"
      "ulx seeasay"
   "inherit_from"   "user"

"ulx jail"   "Grants access to the ulx jail command"
"ulx ungimp"   "Grants access to the ulx ungimp command"
"ulx logchat"   ""
"ulx asay"   "Grants access to the ulx asay command"
"ulx renamegroup"   "Grants access to the ulx renamegroup command"
"ulx votemapsuccessratio"   ""
"ulx spectate"   "Grants access to the ulx spectate command"
"ulx votemap2successratio"   ""
"ulx veto"   "Grants access to the ulx veto command"
"ulx exec"   "Grants access to the ulx exec command"
"ulx logecho"   ""
"ulx tooldenyoverride"   ""
"ulx gag"   "Grants access to the ulx gag command"
"ulx votekick"   "Grants access to the ulx votekick command"
"ulx ragdoll"   "Grants access to the ulx ragdoll command"
"ulx menu"   "Grants access to the ulx menu command"
"ulx adduser"   "Grants access to the ulx adduser command"
"ulx userallow"   "Grants access to the ulx userallow command"
"ulx voteecho"   ""
"ulx ignite"   "Grants access to the ulx ignite command"
"ulx seeasay"   ""
"ulx ban"   "Grants access to the ulx ban command"
"ulx rcon"   "Grants access to the ulx rcon command"
"ulx logspawns"   ""
"ulx rslotsvisible"   ""
"ulx send"   "Grants access to the ulx send command"
"ulx unfreeze"   "Grants access to the ulx unfreeze command"
"ulx reservedslots"   ""
"ulx noclip"   "Grants access to the ulx noclip command"
"ulx votekicksuccessratio"   ""
"overcomeimmunity"   ""
"ulx votemapwaittime"   ""
"ulx votebanminvotes"   ""
"ulx unban"   "Grants access to the ulx unban command"
"ulx banmenu"   "Grants access to the ulx banmenu command"
"ulx strip"   "Grants access to the ulx strip command"
"ulx kick"   "Grants access to the ulx kick command"
"ulx blind"   "Grants access to the ulx blind command"
"ulx map"   "Grants access to the ulx map command"
"ulx teleport"   "Grants access to the ulx teleport command"
"ulx showmotd"   ""
"ulx spawnecho"   ""
"ulx gimp"   "Grants access to the ulx gimp command"
"ulx unblind"   "Grants access to the ulx unblind command"
"ulx mapsmenu"   "Grants access to the ulx mapsmenu command"
"ulx sslay"   "Grants access to the ulx sslay command"
"ulx groupallow"   "Grants access to the ulx groupallow command"
"ulx clientmenu"   "Grants access to the ulx clientmenu command"
"ulx votebansuccessratio"   ""
"ulx adminmenu"   "Grants access to the ulx adminmenu command"
"ulx removegroup"   "Grants access to the ulx removegroup command"
"ulx whip"   "Grants access to the ulx whip command"
"ulx voteban"   "Grants access to the ulx voteban command"
"ulx ungag"   "Grants access to the ulx ungag command"
"ulx logspawnsecho"   ""
"ulx unragdoll"   "Grants access to the ulx unragdoll command"
"ulx ungod"   "Grants access to the ulx ungod command"
"ulx votemap2"   "Grants access to the ulx votemap2 command"
"ulx cloak"   "Grants access to the ulx cloak command"
"ulx goto"   "Grants access to the ulx goto command"
"ulx help"   "Grants access to the ulx help command"
"ulx unigniteall"   "Grants access to the ulx unigniteall command"
"ulx vote"   "Grants access to the ulx vote command"
"ulx unmute"   "Grants access to the ulx unmute command"
"ulx adduserid"   "Grants access to the ulx adduserid command"
"ulx physgunplayer"   ""
"ulx chattime"   ""
"ulx csay"   "Grants access to the ulx csay command"
"ulx slay"   "Grants access to the ulx slay command"
"ulx ent"   "Grants access to the ulx ent command"
"ulx votemapenabled"   ""
"ulx votemapmintime"   ""
"ulx tsay"   "Grants access to the ulx tsay command"
"ulx bring"   "Grants access to the ulx bring command"
"ulx psay"   "Grants access to the ulx psay command"
"ulx votemap"   "Grants access to the ulx votemap command"
"ulx unignite"   "Grants access to the ulx unignite command"
"ulx maul"   "Grants access to the ulx maul command"
"ulx unjail"   "Grants access to the ulx unjail command"
"ulx slap"   "Grants access to the ulx slap command"
"ulx hp"   "Grants access to the ulx hp command"
"ulx motd"   "Grants access to the ulx motd command"
"ulx uncloak"   "Grants access to the ulx uncloak command"
"ulx armor"   "Grants access to the ulx armor command"
"ulx rslots"   ""
"ulx votemap2minvotes"   ""
"ulx who"   "Grants access to the ulx who command"
"ulx god"   "Grants access to the ulx god command"
"ulx freeze"   "Grants access to the ulx freeze command"
"ulx welcomemessage"   ""
"ulx usermanagementhelp"   "Grants access to the ulx usermanagementhelp command"
"ulx playsound"   "Grants access to the ulx playsound command"
"ulx votemapminvotes"   ""
"ulx rslotsmode"   ""
"ulx logevents"   ""
"ulx logdir"   ""
"ulx mute"   "Grants access to the ulx mute command"
"ulx votemapmapmode"   ""
"ulx hiddenecho"   ""
"ulx banid"   "Grants access to the ulx banid command"
"ulx votekickminvotes"   ""
"ulx logfile"   ""
"ulx luarun"   "Grants access to the ulx luarun command"
"ulx cexec"   "Grants access to the ulx cexec command"
"ulx votemapvetotime"   ""
"ulx addgroup"   "Grants access to the ulx addgroup command"
"ulx removeuser"   "Grants access to the ulx removeuser command"
"ulx thetime"   "Grants access to the ulx thetime command"

I'll be connected all day so if i can help for anything tell me :D

Thanks by advance, and excuse my english :)

OH man i really don't get it. Look what happened during i wrote this topic:

As i said, thie morning i logged on my server like 5 minutes before creating this post, and i hadn't the superadmin access, so i got kick by console because of no steamID, but now i just relogged and it worked. So maybe it's only due to my server that take much time after my first log to load the access list or something like that no ?

So here is what i get when i try to use the debuginfo

] ulx debuginfo
You don't have access to this command, ploup!
] ulx userallow ploup debuginfo
You granted access to debuginfo for yourself
] ulx debuginfo
You don't have access to this command, ploup!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 12:52:32 AM by amonfel »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Different problems about accessing superadmin status and !menu
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 11:09:45 AM »
Use ulx debuginfo while you're connect at the server console. Unless it's a listen server (which yours isn't), the server console is not accessed by pressing '~' in-game.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline amonfel

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Re: Different problems about accessing superadmin status and !menu
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 03:51:44 AM »
So i managed to fix by reseting my server and installed it again, so i think i changed something un a wrong way.

thanks anyway. you can delete this post :)