My advert's are not working... I put some stuff in and it doesn't work xD, and the only one that is working is i believe is the default one that I removed? Here is server.ini
Also the minivoteplayer whatever... for votemap isn't working... =-( so it always says i need like 3 people to change map =-(
Last thing is chattime... I don't want the antispam stuff... so i put it to 0.. and i still can't message really fast =-(
//Any of the settings in here can be added to the per-map configs.
ulx showMotd 1 // Set to 0 to disable showing motd on connect. Shows the file the cvar motdfile says to.
ulx addGimpSay "I'm a llama."
ulx addGimpSay "How do you fly?"
ulx addGimpSay "baaaaaaaaaah."
ulx addGimpSay "Llama power!"
ulx addGimpSay "Llamas are the coolest!"
ulx addGimpSay "What's that gun to move stuff?"
ulx chattime 0 // Players can only chat every x seconds (anti-spam). 0 to disable
// This is what the players will see when they join, set it to "" to disable.
// You can use %host% and %curmap% in your text and have it automagically parsed for you
ulx welcomemessage ""
// Adverts
// addCsayAdvert <msg> <r> <g> <b> <repeat_time> <length> [<group>]
// addAdvert <msg> <repeat_time> [<group>]
// addCsayAdvert puts adverts in the middle of the screen, addAdvert puts adverts in the text area.
// You can use %host%, %curmap%, and %ulx_version% in your message and have it automagically parsed for you.
// If you specify a group, adverts in that group will run sequentially instead of simultaneously. EX:
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run first" 10 a
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run second" 10 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "Currently Playing %host%." 255 117 144 300 10 Addone
ulx addAdvert "Want to change map? Type - !votemap - and check console." 30 Addone
// Please, if you have any compassion at all, leave this one in.
ulx logFile 1 // Log to file (Can still echo if off). This is a global setting, nothing will be logged to file with this off.
ulx logEvents 1 // Log events (player connect, disconnect, death)
ulx logChat 1 // Log player chat
ulx logSpawns 1 // Log when players spawn objects (props, effects, etc)
ulx logSpawnsEcho 1 // Echo spawns to players in server. 0 = off, 1 = Admins only, 2 = All players. (Echoes to console)
ulx logDir "ulx_logs" // The log dir under garrysmod/data.
ulx logEcho 2 // Echo mode
// Echo modes:
// 0 - OFF No output to players when an admin command is used
// 1 - ANONYMOUS Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) slapped Bob with 0 damage"
// 2 - FULL Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) Foo slapped Bob with 0 damage"
ulx rslotsMode 0
ulx rslots 2
ulx rslotsVisible 1 // When this is 0, sv_visiblemaxplayers will be set to maxplayers - slots_currently_reserved
//0 - Off
//1 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins fill slots.
//2 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins don't fill slots, they'll be freed when a player leaves.
//3 - Always keep 1 slot open for admins, kick the user with the shortest connection time if an admin joins.
//Difference between 1 and 2:
//I realize it's a bit confusing, so here's an example.
//On mode 1--
// You have maxplayers set to 10, rslots set to 2, and there are currently 8 non-admins connected.
// If a non-admin tries to join, they'll be kicked to keep the reserved slots open. Two admins join
// and fill the two reserved slots. When non-admins leave, the two admins will still be filling the
// two reserved slots, so another regular player can join and fill the server up again without being
// kicked by the slots system
//On mode 2--
// Same setup as mode 1, you have the two admins in the server and the server is full. Now, when a
// non-admin leaves the server, reserved slots will pick up the slot again as reserved. If a regular
// player tries to join and fill the server again, even though there are two admins connected, it will
// kick the regular player to keep the slot open
//So, the basic difference between these two is mode 1 will subtract currently connected admins from the slot
//pool, while mode 2 while always be attempting to reclaim slots if it doesn't currently have enough when
//players leave no matter how many admins are connected.
// If you set this variable to 0, ULX will automatically change sv_visiblemaxplayers for you so that if
// there are no regular player slots available in your server, it will appear that the server is full.
// The major downside to this is that admins can't connect to the server using the "find server" dialog
// when it appears full. Instead, they have to go to console and use the command "connect <ip>".
ulx votemapEnabled 1 // Enable/Disable the entire votemap command
ulx votemapMintime 1 // Time after map change before votes count.
ulx votemapWaittime 1 // Time before a user must wait before they can change their vote.
ulx votemapSuccessratio 0.8 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemapMinvotes 1 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Prevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
ulx votemapVetotime 30 // Time in seconds an admin has after a successful votemap to veto the vote. Set to 0 to disable.
ulx votemapMapmode 2 // 1 = Use all maps but what's specified below, 2 = Use only the maps specified below.
ulx voteEcho 0 // 1 = Echo what every player votes (this does not apply to votemap). 0 = Don't echo
ulx votemap2Successratio 0.8 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemap2Minvotes 1 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
ulx votekickSuccessratio 0.6 // Ratio of (votes for kick)/(total players) needed to kick player. (Rounds up)
ulx votekickMinvotes 2 // Number of minimum votes needed to kick player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
ulx votebanSuccessratio 0.7 // Ratio of (votes for ban)/(total players) needed to ban player. (Rounds up)
ulx votebanMinvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to ban player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
// If you'd like to add more maps, make separate lines for them all prefixed with "ulx votemapAddmap".
ulx votemapAddmap gm_excess_construct
ulx votemapAddmap gm_excess_waters
ulx votemapAddmap gm_round_construct_v2
ulx votemapAddmap gm_halos
ulx votemapAddmap gm_superstruct
ulx votemapAddmap gm_xhizors
// You can also add forced downloads here. Make sure you put quotes around the path/filename, and take out the comment string '//'.
// Add as many as you want. You can also add these to your map- or game-specific files.
// format: ulx addForcedDownload <file/folder> [<recursive>]
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/cheeseman.mp3"
// You can add a folder to add all files inside that folder. If recursive is 1 it will also add all files from any sub-folders.
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/my_music" 1