Author Topic: TMute  (Read 2867 times)

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Offline phoenixf129

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« on: May 11, 2010, 01:58:35 PM »
A Timed Muting system, for those who wish to mute someone globally for a CERTAIN amount of time, like jail.

I know that there are admins out there who are forgetful and sometimes don't remember to unmute, like myself. I would make this, but alas, my luaing skills are TERRIBLE! So thats why im suggesting it.

On the otherhand, if the admin leaves after tmuting someone, he doesnt have to worry about unmuting, when the time is up, the player will recieve a message in their chatbox saying something like "Your TMute has expired, enjoy using chat!". Then of course, they would be able to re-chat.

Would work like this:


Max time being 30 minutes, as i dont think disallowing chat for a LONG time is fair.


ulx tmute "playername" time

This could possibly evolve into TGag, so timed gagging and stopping microphone spam too.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 02:05:07 PM by phoenixf129 »

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Re: TMute
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 06:16:12 PM »
Not a bad idea. Wouldn't be overly difficult to add to the normal mute command actually.
ulx mute <player(s)> <x> where x is in minutes. No X given defaults to 30 minutes.
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Offline phoenixf129

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Re: TMute
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 07:11:18 PM »
Thats even better, But i guess it should have a 0 time command, since if people want to PERMANENTLY mute someone, they can do so.