ok i got it.
ULX version: <SVN> unknown revision
ULib version: 2.40
Gamemode: SpaceBuild2
Map: gm_new_worlds
Dedicated server: true
Currently connected players:
Nick steamid id lsh created
Las-Vegas-Melinda STEAM_0:0:5605486 1 n 108
Octo STEAM_0:0:15616799 2 n 71
ULib.ucl.users (#=4):
group = admin
ulx = debuginfo
name = Las-Vegas-Melinda
name = Campll
group = admin
name = killerkang
group = admin
ULib.ucl.groups (#=3):
1 = ulx debuginfo
2 = ulx usermanagementhelp
3 = ulx hiddenecho
4 = ulx rcon
5 = ulx luarun
6 = ulx cexec
7 = ulx ent
8 = ulx adduser
9 = ulx adduserid
10 = ulx removeuser
11 = ulx userallow
12 = ulx userdeny
13 = ulx addgroup
14 = ulx removegroup
15 = ulx groupallow
16 = ulx groupdeny
17 = overcomeimmunity
18 = ulib_passtime
19 = ulib_passtimeout
20 = ulx spawnecho
21 = ulx tsay
22 = ulx csay
23 = ulx gimp
24 = ulx mute
25 = ulx ungimp
26 = ulx unmute
27 = ulx gag
28 = ulx ungag
29 = ulx chattime
30 = ulx welcomemessage
31 = ulx slap
32 = ulx whip
33 = ulx slay
34 = ulx sslay
35 = ulx ignite
36 = ulx unignite
37 = ulx playsound
38 = ulx freeze
39 = ulx unfreeze
40 = ulx god
41 = ulx ungod
42 = ulx noclip
43 = ulx hp
44 = ulx armor
45 = ulx cloak
46 = ulx uncloak
47 = ulx blind
48 = ulx unblind
49 = ulx jail
50 = ulx unjail
51 = ulx ghost
52 = ulx unghost
53 = ulx ragdoll
54 = ulx unragdoll
55 = ulx maul
56 = ulx strip
57 = ulx adminmenu
58 = ulx clientmenu
59 = ulx mapsmenu
60 = ulx showmotd
61 = ulx banmenu
62 = ulx menu
63 = ulx exec
64 = ulx rslotsmode
65 = ulx rslots
66 = ulx rslotsvisible
67 = ulx reservedslots
68 = ulx bring
69 = ulx goto
70 = ulx send
71 = ulx teleport
72 = ulx tooldeny
73 = ulx toolallow
74 = ulx tooldenyuser
75 = ulx toolallowuser
76 = ulx tooldenyoverride
77 = ulx map
78 = ulx kick
79 = ulx ban
80 = ulx banid
81 = ulx unban
82 = ulx spectate
83 = ulx physgunplayer
84 = ulx vote
85 = ulx votemap2
86 = ulx votekick
87 = ulx voteban
88 = ulx veto
inherit_from = user
1 = ulib_passtime
2 = ulib_passtimeout
3 = ulx spawnecho
4 = ulx tsay
5 = ulx csay
6 = ulx gimp
7 = ulx mute
8 = ulx ungimp
9 = ulx unmute
10 = ulx gag
11 = ulx ungag
12 = ulx chattime
13 = ulx welcomemessage
14 = ulx slap
15 = ulx whip
16 = ulx slay
17 = ulx sslay
18 = ulx ignite
19 = ulx unignite
20 = ulx playsound
21 = ulx freeze
22 = ulx unfreeze
23 = ulx god
24 = ulx ungod
25 = ulx noclip
26 = ulx hp
27 = ulx armor
28 = ulx cloak
29 = ulx uncloak
30 = ulx blind
31 = ulx unblind
32 = ulx jail
33 = ulx unjail
34 = ulx ghost
35 = ulx unghost
36 = ulx ragdoll
37 = ulx unragdoll
38 = ulx maul
39 = ulx strip
40 = ulx adminmenu
41 = ulx clientmenu
42 = ulx mapsmenu
43 = ulx showmotd
44 = ulx banmenu
45 = ulx exec
46 = ulx rslotsmode
47 = ulx rslots
48 = ulx rslotsvisible
49 = ulx reservedslots
50 = ulx bring
51 = ulx goto
52 = ulx send
53 = ulx teleport
54 = ulx tooldeny
55 = ulx toolallow
56 = ulx tooldenyuser
57 = ulx toolallowuser
58 = ulx tooldenyoverride
59 = ulx map
60 = ulx kick
61 = ulx ban
62 = ulx banid
63 = ulx unban
64 = ulx spectate
65 = ulx physgunplayer
66 = ulx vote
67 = ulx votemap2
68 = ulx votekick
69 = ulx voteban
70 = ulx veto
inherit_from = superadmin
ULib.ucl.authed (#=2):
group = admin
ulx = debuginfo
name = Las-Vegas-Melinda
Garrysmod default file (#=2):
las-vegas-melinda = STEAM_0:0:5605486
Active addons on this server:
Adv Duplicator by TAD2020, version 1.85 (June 28th 2009)
counter-strike by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma by Garry Newman, version 1.5 (26th May 2010)
GCOMBAT09 by jjm4, version 1.2 (jjm4)
GlowStick by Patrick Hunt, version 1.2 ()
hl2_ep2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
infonode by Braxus, version 1 ((null))
laserstool by MadJawa, version 2.0 SVN (August 1st 2008)
LS2_Extended by LS/RD/SB Team, version 1.0.3 (January 29, 2008)
LS2_Gassystems by Syncaidius, version 1.2 (Today)
LS2_oilmod2 by Terence, With code from Paradukes and Shadow25 And with help from Tad2020! And A fix by NewOutlook!, version V2.0.0 ((null))
LS2_RTS by Solthar, version 1 (Today)
no_collide_multi by Narkaleptic, version 1.1 (December 19th 2006)
phoenix-storms by PhoeniX-Storms, 1/4 Life, hunter, joebloom, scragnog, x-quake, Xeon133, Squad, PelPix, Stigern, Alex Malkin, Cpl.Cookie, version SVN (25th April 2010)
portal by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
Proximity by , version ( )
Rails by Dragon90101/Mr. Altaco, version 1 ()
RD2 by TAD2020, version 2 (Sept 28, 2007)
SBEP_Entities by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
SBEP_Experimental by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
SBEP_Fortifications by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
SBEP_Weapons by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
sbmp by PJB, Cheesman55, Firgof Umbra, Squad08, Omni, SnakeSVx, votekick, syflo, paradukes, fishface, version 1.5b (16th October 2007)
smartsnap by Syranide, version 1 ()
Smart_Constraint by Spacetech, version 1.2.2 ()
Stacker STool by -, version 2.2 (19th January 2007)
tf2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
tiberium by Lynix, version 2.1b (Tomorrow)
Tiberium Harvesting by Paradukes, version 5 ((null))
ULib by Team Ulysses, version 2.4 (00/00/00)
ULX by Team Ulysses, version 3.50 SVN (00/00/00)
WeightSTool by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
wire by Wire Team, version SVN ((null))
wire addons by Anticept and respective developers, version SVN (3rd June 2008)
wire model pack 1 by Wire Team, version SVN ((null))
zeno_clash by ACE Team, version 1 (May 8th 2009)