Pres, though I'd like to say it has changed, no, not really.
My Gmod opinions;
3% of the Gmod community are good developers still supporting 95% who aren't, and 2% who dabble well with others code (or not well).
Fretta - not used it, you'll probably find a nice way to do so. You were doing well with gamemodes if I remember correctly.
Servers - I've not played Gmod in weeks. Played seriously in months or years.
Not because Gmod changed, but because the three or four major "server group/friends/clans who I liked building with" servers moved/shutdown/collapsed/all of the above. Never found another. Didn't really look.
Wire mod - Many will disagree with me - It's brilliant, but, I think it's ruined Gmod for me. Though I have EET (Electronics Engineering Technology) schooling and can program or understand the logic for over 95% of the wire tools, I grow tired of joining some servers and all I see are wire contraptions. For me, Gmod at it's best purest form is 'let's see what I can do with a thruster, some hoverballs, an axis, and a pipe cap. Again, just my opinion.
Role Play - Seems it's become more popular in Gmod over the past few years. I'm sorry, If and when I play Gmod it's to be creative in an engineering way.
If I wanted drama, I'd simply have to go back to work.
Yes, I know you were working on your own version of GMStranded. Doesn't mean I liked it's premise, I just took pride on the own variants you'd added.
Garry - Still pretty much a one man team that what he says goes. That in itself is often frustrating, but keeps things changing for better and sometimes more often seemingly worse.
Edit - Wife distracted me. Forgot to finish. (See drama point

) -
Pres, I've known you for a few years, perhaps not personally, face to face, but at least online forums and a little through private email.
I pay my taxes because I have to, not because I want to. In turn, you joined the military because you wanted to.
Though I disagree with many of your civilian bosses decisions regarding military affairs, I wish to thank you for every moment you serve.
You see, if I'm unhappy where I am in my job, I can quit/find new position and it only cause a slight tarnish on my resume that can be easily covered with other flashy skills and talking points.
If you quit, well, you can't, really. It remains a part of you.
You didn't quit. Never acted like you'd want to.
Thanks for all you've done for us in the USA.