Author Topic: Almost done!!  (Read 2672 times)

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Offline MrPresident

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Almost done!!
« on: June 28, 2010, 11:11:22 AM »
So, after nearly a year I can finally see that nice little light at the end of the tunnel. That's right... I'm coming home! I'm so happy to be saying that... It's not like this has been out here or anything, unless you consider the living conditions...

Anyways... mission complete. I will be leaving this Country mid July and should be home back in Washington State by 1 August.

I look forward to getting back into the swing of things with all of you.

Anyways again... Could someone please let me know what the current state of GMod is? I mean I've been reading Garry's blog.. but I haven't been able to play at all really the whole time I was out here. I had a copy on my craptop for a while.. but I could never work on anything because I... unfortunately... don't have the lua language memorized by heart yet and didn't have access to the wiki.. so I just gave up.

If things are going well, I'd like to step back into the swing of things. Full swing! I miss coding and I miss all of you guys on Steam and the forums and occasionally the gmod server experience.. lol. so yeah, just let me know whats up.. if it's even worth getting back into.

Also, no need to congratulate me or anything... if you are a working american tax payer... it is ME who should be thanking you! :)

Offline JamminR

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Re: Almost done!!
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2010, 03:39:51 PM »
Pres, though I'd like to say it has changed, no, not really.

My Gmod opinions;
3% of the Gmod community are good developers still supporting 95% who aren't, and 2% who dabble well with others code (or not well).
Fretta - not used it, you'll probably find a nice way to do so. You were doing well with gamemodes if I remember correctly.
Servers - I've not played Gmod in weeks. Played seriously in months or years.
Not because Gmod changed, but because the three or four major "server group/friends/clans who I liked building with" servers moved/shutdown/collapsed/all of the above. Never found another. Didn't really look.
Wire mod - Many will disagree with me - It's brilliant, but, I think it's ruined Gmod for me. Though I have EET (Electronics Engineering Technology) schooling and can program or understand the logic for over 95% of the wire tools, I grow tired of joining some servers and all I see are wire contraptions. For me, Gmod at it's best purest form is 'let's see what I can do with a thruster, some hoverballs, an axis, and a pipe cap. Again, just my opinion.
Role Play - Seems it's become more popular in Gmod over the past few years. I'm sorry, If and when I play Gmod it's to be creative in an engineering way.
If I wanted drama, I'd simply have to go back to work.
Yes, I know you were working on your own version of GMStranded. Doesn't mean I liked it's premise, I just took pride on the own variants you'd added.
Garry - Still pretty much a one man team that what he says goes. That in itself is often frustrating, but keeps things changing for better and sometimes more often seemingly worse.

Edit - Wife distracted me. Forgot to finish. (See drama point :P ) -
Pres, I've known you for a few years, perhaps not personally, face to face, but at least online forums and a little through private email.
I pay my taxes because I have to, not because I want to. In turn, you joined the military because you wanted to.
Though I disagree with many of your civilian bosses decisions regarding military affairs, I wish to thank you for every moment you serve.
You see, if I'm unhappy where I am in my job, I can quit/find new position and it only cause a slight tarnish on my resume that can be easily covered with other flashy skills and talking points.
If you quit, well, you can't, really. It remains a part of you.
You didn't quit. Never acted like you'd want to.

Thanks for all you've done for us in the USA.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 03:48:29 PM by JamminR »
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Almost done!!
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2010, 06:24:01 PM »
Glad to hear about your soon-to-be-homecoming! When you get back, I'd be curious to talk to you and see if you've ever used the product I'm supporting through the Air Force (used by more branches than just the Air Force).

Pretty much everything JamminR said. Maybe it's just the servers I've been going to lately, but the average age of gmod'ers seems to be slowly growing younger and younger. Or maybe it's just because I'm getting older...

Be sure to let us know if there's anyway we can help you re-adjust or get setup again. :)
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline MrPresident

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Re: Almost done!!
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2010, 09:13:53 PM »
Thanks Jam and Meg, always been happy with the community you guys have here.. that's why I stick around :)

Also, Megiddo I'm interested in this thing you are supporting, what is it? or is it something you can't really talk about out in the public? Either way, if it is something on the Intel side of the Military community.. chances are I've seen or used it before.

Offline MrPresident

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Re: Almost done!!
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 12:30:39 AM »
I'm currently in transition on my way home. Have been since the 20th. I don't know when I'll be home exactly because of OPSEC they don't put out the exact dates. It'll be sometime between the 26th and the 3rd. lol.. I know.. not exactly something you'd make plans on. On top of that.. i dont know how long it'll take them to get my internet hooked up. I'm hoping it's like they did it last time our unit deployed and they have people waiting to come out to the post. I'll be back and active in the next week or so though.. Just wanted to let you guys know that's where I am and I havn't abandoned ship.