Thanks for the info

I like ulx as it has done me well since I got my 1st gmod server 18 months ago.
I only switched from ULX to Evolve as I wanted to try something new, also tried other Admin mods but they were either too bugged\temperamental.
Main reason I stuck with Evolve was during the GMOD kick crash problems, and with Evolve using gatekeeper it solved that annoying bug.
So since it got used for so long, the other Admins got used to it, and they say they prefer Evolves GUI.
I'm not much of a GUI person, I usually use chat commands and console.
So when I got the new server and installed ULX I got many complaints about it

Even though the reserved slot system works perfect, and the MOTD system is better than Evolve's addon one.
They also moaned about ULX not having the fake achievements, and not having a map cleanup option (used mostly in gamemaster when a player just spams everything in 1 spot)
So I switched back to Evolve just to keep them quiet, as I get enough "complaints" from players about other player behaviour in some gamemodes

I still recommend ULX to people who ask what a good admin addon is.
As it works great and does what it is supposed to do, and is also easy to use.

I guess to many people judge stuff by how it looks not how it performs