Author Topic: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua  (Read 2079 times)

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Offline Magicnachoz

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Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:00:40 AM »
I own a server and I do not know lua at all so can any of you make ranks for me with the following commands

Leader- All ulx commands

Co Leader- All ulx commands except group allow, group deny and overideimmunity

Super Admin- All commands that co leaders have except ragdoll, , noclip, god, blind, add user, add userid, add group, remove group, remove user, ghost, freeze,  ulx cexec unghost, unragdoll, unfreeze, ungod, rcon

Admin- All super admin commands except Ignite, Send, maul ,sslay

Donator- All admin commands except Ban cloak uncloak armor hp unban admin menu bansmenu strip csay tsay psay

Mod- All donator commands except Whip,

Member- They get votekick and asay (They cant see admins talk with it though) and they can open up the motd and who

User they get who

« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 08:04:23 AM by Magicnachoz »

Offline matthall

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Re: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 03:21:23 AM »
Must be ULX and ULib SVN!
No need to LUA :)

put this in data/ulib/groups.txt
Code: [Select]
"inherit_from" "co_leader"

"name" "Leader"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  2000
"health" 2000

"inherit_from" "superadmin"

"name" "Co-Leader"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  1500
"health" 1500

"inherit_from" "admin"

"name" "Superadmin"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  1000
"health" 1000

"inherit_from" "donator"

"name" "Admin"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  750
"health" 750

"inherit_from" "mod"

"name" "Donator"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  500
"health" 500

"inherit_from" "member"

"name" "Mod"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  300
"health" 300

"inherit_from" "user"

"name" "user"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  250
"health" 250


"name" "User"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  100
"health" 100

Please note: I have not given anyone commands. I will leave that for you to do. it is very simple anyway. it will go like this

"ulx command here"

Also, it follows a hierarchy. So, if you say user can have "ulx motd", all players can have "ulx motd"
if you give Admin "ulx slap", Admin-Leader can perform that action

now, to have teams showing on the scoreboard, get http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,1118.0.html
If you want to be able to easily see whos who on the map, get http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,4799.0.html

Good luck :)

« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 03:23:01 AM by matthall »

Offline Magicnachoz

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Re: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 06:10:15 AM »