I was wondering if you could make a playlist feature.
Also if you can make it so more videos can be added to a play list that is playing.
It would also be interesting if you added a command like PlayX's '!ytlast' so when a guest post a YouTube link into chat I can just type the command and it will play the last link that was posted in chat.
Please and Thank you.
Edit: You Finally hit 2 pages.
By "playlist feature", do you mean a queue? A list of videos that will automatically play one after another?
The problem with this would be that when one video is "over", and a client has had to buffer the video at some point, then their current video will likely still be playing.
So playing the next video in the queue, would cut off some of what was playing first. I don't think there's any way to tell when the client's video has finished playing, other than setting a timer of the length of the video right at the start. (this is how it auto-hides the player controls.. but when the player controls are hidden, it doesn't stop the video, to avoid cutting it off)
The "!ytlast" command.. I'll look into that. I would obviously need to find a way to get the last YouTube link that was posted.