heres a debug of the server, please be aware this is AFTER i entered the rcon command in the dedicated to change me to admin.
ULX version: 3.50
ULib version: 2.40
Gamemode: DarkRP 2.4.1
Map: rp_downtown_v2
Dedicated server: true
Currently connected players:
Nick steamid uid id lsh created
Achexi STEAM_0:0:20071888 3503685992 1 n 26
alex STEAM_0:1:26033149 1237871829 2 n 22
Rychuko STEAM_0:1:24238213 1074126126 3 n 54
ULib.ucl.users (#=4):
name = Achexi
group = superadmin
name = alex
group = superadmin
name = Rychuko'
group = user
ULib.ucl.groups (#=4):
can_target = !%admin
1 = ulx seeasay
inherit_from = user
1 = ulx addgroup
2 = ulx adduser
3 = ulx adduserid
4 = ulx cexec
5 = ulx ent
6 = ulx exec
7 = ulx groupallow
8 = ulx groupdeny
9 = ulx hiddenecho
10 = ulx logchat
11 = ulx logdir
12 = ulx logecho
13 = ulx logevents
14 = ulx logfile
15 = ulx logspawns
16 = ulx logspawnsecho
17 = ulx luarun
18 = ulx maul
19 = ulx rcon
20 = ulx removegroup
21 = ulx removeuser
22 = ulx removeuserid
23 = ulx renamegroup
24 = ulx setgroupcantarget
25 = ulx userallow
26 = ulx userallowid
27 = ulx userdeny
28 = ulx userdenyid
29 = ulx voteecho
inherit_from = admin
can_target = !%superadmin
1 = ulx adminmenu
2 = ulx armor
3 = ulx ban
4 = ulx banid
5 = ulx banmenu
6 = ulx blind
7 = ulx bring
8 = ulx chattime
9 = ulx cloak
10 = ulx csay
11 = ulx freeze
12 = ulx gag
13 = ulx gimp
14 = ulx god
15 = ulx goto
16 = ulx hp
17 = ulx ignite
18 = ulx jail
19 = ulx kick
20 = ulx map
21 = ulx mapsmenu
22 = ulx mute
23 = ulx noclip
24 = ulx physgunplayer
25 = ulx playsound
26 = ulx ragdoll
27 = ulx reservedslots
28 = ulx rslots
29 = ulx rslotsmode
30 = ulx rslotsvisible
31 = ulx send
32 = ulx showmotd
33 = ulx slap
34 = ulx slay
35 = ulx spawnecho
36 = ulx spectate
37 = ulx sslay
38 = ulx strip
39 = ulx teleport
40 = ulx tsay
41 = ulx unban
42 = ulx unblind
43 = ulx uncloak
44 = ulx unfreeze
45 = ulx ungag
46 = ulx ungimp
47 = ulx ungod
48 = ulx unignite
49 = ulx unigniteall
50 = ulx unjail
51 = ulx unmute
52 = ulx unragdoll
53 = ulx veto
54 = ulx vote
55 = ulx voteban
56 = ulx votebanminvotes
57 = ulx votebansuccessratio
58 = ulx votekick
59 = ulx votekickminvotes
60 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
61 = ulx votemap2
62 = ulx votemap2minvotes
63 = ulx votemap2successratio
64 = ulx votemapenabled
65 = ulx votemapmapmode
66 = ulx votemapmintime
67 = ulx votemapminvotes
68 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
69 = ulx votemapvetotime
70 = ulx votemapwaittime
71 = ulx welcomemessage
72 = ulx whip
inherit_from = operator
1 = ulx asay
2 = ulx clientmenu
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx menu
5 = ulx motd
6 = ulx psay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx usermanagementhelp
9 = ulx votemap
10 = ulx who
ULib.ucl.authed (#=3):
name = Achexi
group = superadmin
name = alex
group = superadmin
name = Rychuko'
group = user
Garrysmod default file (#=2):
Active addons on this server:
Controllable Rollermine by Ben Harris, version 1 (06/04/2009)
counter-strike by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
DurgzMod by cheesylard, version 2.2 (14 February 2009)
EasyPrecision by hunter, version 0.9a ((null))
fading_doors by Lexi, version 1.1 (08/08/2010)
hl2_ep2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
portal by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
RiotShield by Donkie, Model by Arleitiss, version 1.1 (52)
RynO's CSS Weapons by (null), version (null) ((null))
skinswitcher by Mihara, version 0.1 (1st March 2008)
smartsnap by Syranide, version 0.9.5 ()
Stacker STool by -, version 2.2 (19th January 2007)
tf2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ulib by Team Ulysses, version 2.4 (00/00/00)
ulx by Team Ulysses, version 3.50 SVN (00/00/00)
VehicleUpgrade by Nova[X],Team Garry, version 2.5999 ()
WeightSTool by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
zeno_clash by ACE Team, version 1 (May 8th 2009)
There are no errors that come up. Just the fact that there is no user ranks, although the user.txt shows the ranks in there, its just not applied to server. Just before running this debug i deleted groups + misc.txt and restarted, added admin and restarted again to check but still had this problem. Im using SVN ulx + ulib. Tried the release. Same problem. And to make it clear. im not prone to failure. I used ULX on my last server without problems.
Edit by Megiddo: Changed quote to code tags