Author Topic: MOTD wont display  (Read 6235 times)

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Offline Mooash

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MOTD wont display
« on: November 23, 2010, 01:29:25 AM »
Hi guys,

I've just got a Garry's Mod server up and running but I can't get the MOTD to display at all. I've tried everything, I've got the motd.txt file sitting pretty much everywhere in my server and I've got a ulx_motd.txt file sitting everywhere as well yet still nothing displays when I join my server. I've got myself as superadmin if that matters. I'll post my server.cfg and my server.ini and a copy of the motd.txt

Code: [Select]
// settings
hostname "LiequidGaming|Garry's Mod-Zombie Survival [Fast Download!]"
rcon_password "Removed, obviously."
sv_password ""
sv_region 255
sv_lan 0
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_noclipspeed 5
sv_noclipaccelerate 5
sv_alltalk 0

sv_logbans 1

// features
sbox_allownpcs 1
sbox_godmode 0
sbox_plpldamage 0
sbox_playergod 0
sbox_noclip 1

// limits
sbox_maxprops 150
sbox_maxragdolls 5
sbox_maxnpcs 10
sbox_maxballoons 10
sbox_maxeffects 50
sbox_maxdynamite 10
sbox_maxlamps 20
sbox_maxthrusters 30
sbox_maxwheels 20
sbox_maxhoverballs 20
sbox_maxvehicles 6
sbox_maxbuttons 20
sbox_maxsents 20
sbox_maxemitters 5
sbox_maxspawners 3
sbox_maxturrets 2

// rates
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 20000
decalfrequency 10
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_minupdaterate 10
net_maxfilesize 30

// various
log on
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt
motdfile "ulx_motd.txt"

// fast download server
sv_downloadurl "Taken out by myself for this post"
sv_allowupload 0
sv_allowdownload 0

Code: [Select]
//Any of the settings in here can be added to the per-map configs.

ulx showMotd 1 // Set to 0 to disable showing motd on connect. Shows the file the cvar motdfile says to.

ulx addGimpSay "I'm a llama."
ulx addGimpSay "How do you fly?"
ulx addGimpSay "baaaaaaaaaah."
ulx addGimpSay "Llama power!"
ulx addGimpSay "Llamas are the coolest!"
ulx addGimpSay "What's that gun to move stuff?"

ulx chattime 1.5 // Players can only chat every x seconds (anti-spam). 0 to disable

// This is what the players will see when they join, set it to "" to disable.
// You can use %host% and %curmap% in your text and have it automagically parsed for you
ulx welcomemessage "Welcome to %host%! We're playing %curmap%."

// Adverts
// addCsayAdvert <msg> <r> <g> <b> <repeat_time> <length> [<group>]
// addAdvert <msg> <repeat_time> [<group>]
// addCsayAdvert puts adverts in the middle of the screen, addAdvert puts adverts in the text area.
// You can use %host%, %curmap%, and %ulx_version% in your message and have it automagically parsed for you.
// If you specify a group, adverts in that group will run sequentially instead of simultaneously. EX:
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run first" 10 a
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run second" 10 a
// Please, if you have any compassion at all, leave this one in.
ulx addAdvert "This server is running ULX Admin Mod version %ulx_version% by Team Ulysses -- ulyssesmod.net" 540

ulx addCsayAdvert "You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!" 102 255 200 300 10
addAdvert "Want to be an admin? Well we're looking for some! Go to www.LiequidGaming.com for your chance to become one!" 125 255 250 300 10
addAdvert "The forums are now up and running! Go to www.LiequidGaming.com to have your say!" 150

ulx logFile 1 // Log to file (Can still echo if off). This is a global setting, nothing will be logged to file with this off.
ulx logEvents 1 // Log events (player connect, disconnect, death)
ulx logChat 1 // Log player chat
ulx logSpawns 1 // Log when players spawn objects (props, effects, etc)
ulx logSpawnsEcho 1 // Echo spawns to players in server. 0 = off, 1 = Admins only, 2 = All players. (Echoes to console)
ulx logDir "ulx_logs" // The log dir under garrysmod/data.
ulx logEcho 2 // Echo mode
// Echo modes:
// 0 - OFF No output to players when an admin command is used
// 1 - ANONYMOUS Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) slapped Bob with 0 damage"
// 2 - FULL Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) Foo slapped Bob with 0 damage"
ulx echmodes 1

ulx rslotsMode 0
ulx rslots 2
ulx rslotsVisible 1 // When this is 0, sv_visiblemaxplayers will be set to maxplayers - slots_currently_reserved
//0 - Off
//1 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins fill slots.
//2 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins don't fill slots, they'll be freed when a player leaves.
//3 - Always keep 1 slot open for admins, kick the user with the shortest connection time if an admin joins.

//Difference between 1 and 2:
//I realize it's a bit confusing, so here's an example.
//On mode 1--
// You have maxplayers set to 10, rslots set to 2, and there are currently 8 non-admins connected.
// If a non-admin tries to join, they'll be kicked to keep the reserved slots open. Two admins join
// and fill the two reserved slots. When non-admins leave, the two admins will still be filling the
// two reserved slots, so another regular player can join and fill the server up again without being
// kicked by the slots system

//On mode 2--
// Same setup as mode 1, you have the two admins in the server and the server is full. Now, when a
// non-admin leaves the server, reserved slots will pick up the slot again as reserved. If a regular
// player tries to join and fill the server again, even though there are two admins connected, it will
// kick the regular player to keep the slot open

//So, the basic difference between these two is mode 1 will subtract currently connected admins from the slot
//pool, while mode 2 while always be attempting to reclaim slots if it doesn't currently have enough when
//players leave no matter how many admins are connected.

// If you set this variable to 0, ULX will automatically change sv_visiblemaxplayers for you so that if
// there are no regular player slots available in your server, it will appear that the server is full.
// The major downside to this is that admins can't connect to the server using the "find server" dialog
// when it appears full. Instead, they have to go to console and use the command "connect <ip>".

ulx votemapEnabled 1 // Enable/Disable the entire votemap command
ulx votemapMintime 10 // Time after map change before votes count.
ulx votemapWaittime 5 // Time before a user must wait before they can change their vote.
ulx votemapSuccessratio 0.4 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemapMinvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Prevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
ulx votemapVetotime 30 // Time in seconds an admin has after a successful votemap to veto the vote. Set to 0 to disable.
ulx votemapMapmode 1 // 1 = Use all maps but what's specified below, 2 = Use only the maps specified below.

ulx voteEcho 0 // 1 = Echo what every player votes (this does not apply to votemap). 0 = Don't echo

ulx votemap2Successratio 0.5 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemap2Minvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

ulx votekickSuccessratio 0.6 // Ratio of (votes for kick)/(total players) needed to kick player. (Rounds up)
ulx votekickMinvotes 2 // Number of minimum votes needed to kick player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

ulx votebanSuccessratio 0.7 // Ratio of (votes for ban)/(total players) needed to ban player. (Rounds up)
ulx votebanMinvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to ban player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

// If you'd like to add more maps, make separate lines for them all prefixed with "ulx votemapAddmap".
ulx votemapAddmap background01
ulx votemapAddmap background02
ulx votemapAddmap background03
ulx votemapAddmap background04
ulx votemapAddmap background05
ulx votemapAddmap background06
ulx votemapAddmap background07
ulx votemapAddmap credits
ulx votemapAddmap intro
ulx votemapAddmap test_hardware
ulx votemapAddmap test_speakers

// You can also add forced downloads here. Make sure you put quotes around the path/filename, and take out the comment string '//'.
// Add as many as you want. You can also add these to your map- or game-specific files.
// format: ulx addForcedDownload <file/folder> [<recursive>]
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/cheeseman.mp3"
// You can add a folder to add all files inside that folder. If recursive is 1 it will also add all files from any sub-folders.
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/my_music" 1

Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<body bgcolor="Silver">
<div style="margin-top: 2.5pt; border-width: 6pt; border-color: #242021; border-style: solid; padding: 8pt"><br />
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto">&nbsp;</div><font color="#242021" face="Impact, sans-serif" size="7"><span style="font-size: 30px">~LiequidGaming~#1|Zombie Survival|</span></font></div></center><span style="font-family: Times"><span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; color: #000000">
<h2>Rules:</h2></span></span><span style="font-family: Times"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; color: #000000">Basic</span></span><span style="font-family: Times">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: Times"><br />
</span><span style="font-family: Times"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-weight: normal"><br />
1. DO NOT RDM. (Random Death Match)&nbsp;<br />
a) Revenge Killing is NOT aloud.&nbsp;<br />
b) Prop Death Matching IS the same as RDMing.&nbsp;<br />
c) Crowbar Pushing someone to their death IS the same as RDMing.&nbsp;<br />
d) RDM is only unpunished when it is a genuine accident.&nbsp;<br />
e) If you lie about an RDM you will be punished more severly.&nbsp;<br />
2. Don't randomly wound people. a) If you were shooting randomly see rule 3. b) Do not wound people for breaking the rules unless it is in self-defence.&nbsp;<br />
3. Don't mic spam or chat spam. a) You can only talk offtopic when dead. b) Having a very loud or broken mic may get you gagged. c) No more than 3 people talking at a time. d) Do not have arguements over Voice Chat.&nbsp;<br />
4. Do not Metagame on purpose. If you don't know what metagaming is, ask an admin.&nbsp;<br />
5. Don't abuse Administrators/Moderators a) If you feel they have made a mistake use the @ command to privately talk to them. b) If you feel they have abused their power, report them on the forums. c) Do not beg us to be unbanned, appeal on the forums.&nbsp;<br />
6. Don't abuse other players. a) You will be warned if we think you are being too abusive to a certain person/s b) Don't make Racial comments with the intent to hurt others. Racial jokes are fine so long as they are in good spirit.&nbsp;<br />
7. NO Hacking or Exploiting. a) This includes map exploits. b) If you have an addon that gives you an advantage and do not know how to remove it, ask an admin for help. We will not ban you if you genuinely didn't know you were exploiting.&nbsp;<br />
8. No inappropriate sprays. a) You will be warned once to change your spray if it is NSFW. b) Spraying Child Porn will result in a perma-ban and a report to the police.&nbsp;<br />
9. Don't get health if an Administrator has lowered your health.&nbsp;<br />
Enjoy your time and have fun. Side Note:&nbsp;<br />
* If more than 3 people are talking at the same time and it's near impossible to understand what they are saying over each other. Everyone will be gagged for a brief second to stop the overflow of chatter at the discretion of the admin on at the time.</span></span><span style="font-family: Times">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: Times"><br />
</span><span style="font-family: Times"><br />
</span><span style="font-family: Times"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; color: #000000">
<h2>Guidelines to play</h2></span></span><span style="font-family: Times"><br />
</span><span style="color: #000000"><br />
<font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt">
How to play properly:&nbsp;</span></font></span><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="6"><span style="font-size: 19px"><strong><br />
<div><span style="color: #000000"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt">1. If you're a zombie, just try and kill .</span></font></span></div>
<div><span style="color: #000000"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt">2. If you're not a zombie, try and kill the zombie .</span></font></span></div>
<div><span style="color: #000000"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt">3. If you die as a human you get turned into a zombie, refer to guideline 1.</span></font></span></div>
<div><span style="color: #000000"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt"><br />
<div><span style="color: #000000"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif" size="4"><span style="font-size: 10pt"><br />
<div align="center"><br />
<div style="margin-top: 2.5pt; border-width: 6pt; border-color: #242021; border-style: solid; padding: 8pt"><br />
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto">&nbsp;</div><font color="#242021" face="Impact, sans-serif" size="7"><span style="font-size: 30px">~LiequidGaming~#1|Zombie Survival|</span></font></div></center></div>

Thanks in advance for any help I get given!

Offline Megiddo

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 11:14:37 AM »
No MOTD shows at all? Or just the wrong MOTD?

If no MOTD is showing at all, try typing in "ulx showMotd" in your console and see what the output says.

Also, I'm assuming this is the release version of ULX and ULib?
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Mooash

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 06:22:23 PM »
No MOTD shows at all? Or just the wrong MOTD?

If no MOTD is showing at all, try typing in "ulx showMotd" in your console and see what the output says.

Also, I'm assuming this is the release version of ULX and ULib?

I've tried doing that before and it doesn't work at all, it just says command not recognized. And yeah, no message of the day shows up at all. It could just be my computer but I doubt it, try connecting for yourself. steam://connect/ The server is still buggy at the moment. I'm running Zombie Survival Mod v2.01

And yeah, its not SVN because I don't have a clue about how that works so I just went with the release version of ULX and ULib. I've got StickyMan's xgui installed but can't get that working either and when I try typing "ulx adminmenu" or just "ulx menu" it comes up with not recognized or something like that as well.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 06:47:05 PM »
Something's wrong definitely wrong... I joined and you're right, all the menu functions are broken (ulx motd being one of them). Is this a Linux server by any chance?
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Mooash

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 07:12:29 PM »
Something's wrong definitely wrong... I joined and you're right, all the menu functions are broken (ulx motd being one of them). Is this a Linux server by any chance?

I'm guessing its Linux. Its just a rented server from serverFFS.com

I just FTP everything up and such.

Offline JamminR

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 07:54:19 PM »
Xgui won't work without SVN ULib/ULX
As old as our release is, I really recommend you learn to use SVN.
Many other popular mods (Pheonix/Wire to name but two) actually 'release' using SVN. (For us, it's 'beta', not release)

Also, if they do use Linux, our 'release' will definitely not work due to case sensitivity issues (that we've fixed in SVN)
See our SVN forum area for a quick how to. I think our FAQs have it too.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Megiddo

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 08:53:53 PM »
We've stayed in 'beta' mode longer than we wanted... so it's mostly stable for now, just don't be surprised if formats, etc change around.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Mooash

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2010, 11:36:31 PM »
Alright, I'll install SVN. Do I delete my old install first then just put the SVN link in?

Offline Megiddo

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2010, 08:03:24 AM »
That's the basic idea, yes. There's some tutorials in the SVN section of the forums.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Mooash

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Re: MOTD wont display
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2010, 02:24:18 AM »
Ahhhhhh that fixed it all! Thank you so much guys! :D