This is what comes up in console
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
[addons\garry's bombs 3\lua\effects\effect_explosion_scaleableplut\init.lua:273] 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 244) near '<eof>'
Sending 267 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
[UCL] Access set.
Welcome to xxxxxx! We're playing gm_flatgrass.
[UCL] Access set.
Hey 'xxxxxxx' - You're in the 'superadmin' group on this server.
[LuaCmd:1] attempt to index global 'AdminMenu' (a nil value)
Redownloading all lightmaps
This server is running ULib version 2.30.
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
ULX version 3.40 loaded.
] ulx help
] !motd
Unknown command: !motd
] rcon_password xxxxx
] rcon ulx adduser xxxxxx superadmin 1
autokick is disabled for xxxxxxxx
[@garrysmod\addons\ulib\lua\ulib\shared\sh_ucl.lua:149] bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got string)