Author Topic: Appreciate help with Motd and other things,  (Read 3810 times)

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Appreciate help with Motd and other things,
« on: February 12, 2011, 06:46:16 AM »
Ok, well I own a garrysmod srcds server, and i use the ulx and ulib server mod.

Now whenever the server starts it come up with a message saying its on DoD: source, I tried to change it but the file called ulx_motd is nothing like the message that starts up in the server. How do i change the Motd?

Also, I am trying to start two groups but the userallow and userdeny in game are not functioning very well, any ideas?

Last, the only way so far to know what group someone is in, is if you type "ulx who" into the console, is there a way where I can get the name of a user to change colour? or have some kind of way of other players seeing what group there friends are in easily?

Thanks for reading and if you post thanks for the help!

Offline JamminR

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Re: Appreciate help with Motd and other things,
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2011, 08:42:22 AM »
Re: Colors
Are you running ULX and ULib SVN? (If you're running 'release' from our download page, you're not running latest code)
ULX SVN will do almost every 'color' name/group associated question you ask. Requires a bit of configuration, but if you don't understand manually editing the config files for ULX, Stickly Man's recent addition XGUI rewrite of the ULX menu allows you to visually configure it while connected to your server from your game client.
See the "SVN Stuff" section of our forum for support of it, and the sticky posts indicating how to get it/what it is.

Once you have teams (that scoreboards use) associated with groups, You'll probably need a new scoreboard. Though we've never fully developed our own, we re-released one many years ago aimed at allowing different colors depending on team name. Over time, some have made modifications to that. See our Releases section of the forum for any topics related to Scoreboard.
Our ULX SVN incorporates another team members release called UTeam. It allows you to set up Team names/health/speed/armor/any modifiable player attribute based on the team they're on, which adjusts according to group (XGUI makes this much easier to configure)

Re: motd.
Did you make a copy of your <gmod root>/addons/ulx/ulx_motd.txt (or if your still not using SVN, motd.txt) and place it in your <gmod root>
If not, try that.
If that doesn't work, from your server console, type in the command "motdfile" and see where it points.
If it doesn't exist or points elsewhere, its possible your (NOT ULX related) config.txt file in your gmod root\config or another config file or addon that gets executed is overwriting the motdfile variable.

Edit - Oh - Forgot to mention, XGUI and UTeam are listed as separate releases in our Releases section, but both are now part of ULX SVN. No need to install them separately.
The name of the scoreboard we re-released is named sui_scoreboard. Several versions/releases of it now exist, and make sure you try to read the last few pages of each of the scoreboard thread, as several broke over time due to Garry's updates, and some were repaired by the orginal author or community members in later pages.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 08:46:59 AM by JamminR »
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Re: Appreciate help with Motd and other things,
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 04:19:53 PM »
Heh. Meg, was gonna move it myself after we figured out which version he was running :P
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

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Re: Appreciate help with Motd and other things,
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2011, 07:53:56 PM »
Heh. Meg, was gonna move it myself after we figured out which version he was running :P

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