I've had this player come on my server using some name hack which kept looping through different names and when I joined, I kept getting disconnected from the server and someone running commands on me. His using a cexec hack which lets him do whatever he wants to me with him getting away. I've got logs of him trying to add himself to superadmin but failing luckily. I've got his IP, ID, Steam community page as well as logs.
I'll paste all of these below here:
http://pastebin.com/rfiZhvvmHis info:
Name: Thistle Vlandri
ID: STEAM_0:1:37768656
http://steamcommunity.com/id/thistlevlandriPlease find and fix this stupid problem, he seems to have run commands on me, disconnecting me using +left on me, trying to get him to add him to admin here:
[22:57:41] Synergy Connections: !adduser NoLimit ~ superadmin
Just as he had used !adduser, my client timed out straight away leaving me not to see this.