Never never never ever use for our products, nor probably -any- admin mod for that matter unless you're 100% the admin author has used that site to store.
We don't, and haven't in a long time.
(Though, I think one of our community members made a release here that uses it, but, Team Ulysses doesn't at this point in time)
Only download from , or if interested in SVN, see our SVN forum area which has a sticky at the top explaining how to get our latest SVN.
Now, go delete your servers gmod/addons/ulib and gmod/addons/ulx and <gmod>/data/ulib and <gmod>/data/ulx (if the two data folders exist.
Restart server.
Then, download the latest ulib and ulx zip files from (or get SVN checkouts)
Upload your ulib files to gmod/addons/ulib
Upload your ulx files gmod/addons/ulx
Read both readmes.
We stopped using '1' at the end of adduser a long time ago.
We'd recommend following the standard gmod way of adding yourself as superadmin first. Then worry about how to add yourself using ulx commands.
(ULX falls back on the default gmod way) (ie, see links in our FAQ access topic, and our readmes, that point to the gmod wiki regarding groups)
Restart server.
Come back with more information as to what errors your getting if all the above didn't work.