Author Topic: Thieving Admin  (Read 2170 times)

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Offline Darky

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Thieving Admin
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:44:33 PM »
Normaly I do not go name bashing people but one of Discobuilds admins thinks it ok to go around Dupeing other players contraptions /E2 with out asking

tpopsemail: yaya weewee i like to peepee
tpopsemail: no u
First received a "wire_expression2_download" message
First received a "e2st" message
First received a "e2sd" message
First received a "e2se" message
pdeggington was killed by prop_physics
Darky: ambient/levels/citadel/citadel_drone_loop4.wav")        }
tpopsemail: then i don't need a jacket
MyndPhreak: awesome thanks
pdeggington was killed by prop_physics
We also have a SpaceBuild server at!
MyndPhreak: press z
tpopsemail: press meatspin.com
[XARS][BS]XmodAlloy removed 34 object(s)
pdeggington was killed by prop_physics
Fin Gleam's props have been cleaned up
Darky: you <censor> theifing admin
MyndPhreak: Lolol
Darky: i will destroy ur name
MyndPhreak: With a hammer?
tpopsemail: n00b
tpopsemail: trololol
pdeggington was killed by prop_physics
Darky: o well  ur probly to stupid to understand any of that code any who
MyndPhreak: Oh so...
AdvDupe (new eyespy) undone
MyndPhreak: Now that I copied your , you're trying to insult me?
Darky:  o so
MyndPhreak: You dont even know me
Darky: well think about it man ur a <censor> theif so
MyndPhreak: You have no idea who the <censor> I am or what I do
Darky: lost all respect
tpopsemail: ok cool stfu
Darky: i know ur a theif thats all i need to know
tpopsemail: stfu n00b
MyndPhreak: A thief, for liking your contraption
MyndPhreak: I copied it so I can use it
Darky: no for <censor> dupeing it
MyndPhreak: I like how you try.
Darky: what ever man ur not welcome on any of my servers and i will be reporting you to disco
pdeggington: who
MyndPhreak: Okay?
MyndPhreak: You...do realize disco is a friend?
tpopsemail: it's ok i'll give you a good report if you get reported
pdeggington: who??

Well hope you act on this sorry if this is the wrong section for this but i had to share this with you seems like a nasty problem.

and i rejoined the server just to how i was treated

MyndPhreak: Still mad about me being a "thief" ?
Darky: i will always hate you
Unfroze 26 Objects
MyndPhreak: Haha, aww <3
Darky: talked to disco about you
MyndPhreak: Okay, well, good luck, disco is a friend
Darky: dont look good
MyndPhreak: Sorry, but it's just not gonna work out between us
tpopsemail: why is this such a big deal?
Darky: whos fault is that
MyndPhreak: Yours
MyndPhreak: You're being too demanding
MyndPhreak: I need some space for myself
MyndPhreak: I'm soo sorry
MyndPhreak: But Im gonna have to let you go
Darky: for what
MyndPhreak: For being a total dipshit
Player clightbody13 left the game (No Steam logon
Darky: hey i didnt steel ur stuff
Unfroze 1 Objects
MyndPhreak: You can talk to disco all your want, dude
MyndPhreak: It's just not gonna work
Player _Dark has joined the game
Darky: i know i can
MyndPhreak: Because Disco is a friend
Unfroze 1 Objects
Darky: thats nice i know him aswell
MyndPhreak: Well good for you, kid
MyndPhreak: Im so happy for you
Unfroze 2 Objects
MyndPhreak: Don't mess with me! Im almost 10!
tpopsemail: lol
Maxrmk: lolwut
MyndPhreak: >.>
Darky was killed by prop_physics
First received a "PlayerKilled" message
tpopsemail: LOL
MyndPhreak: Haha!
MyndPhreak: nice shot max
Maxrmk: Thanks
tpopsemail: +100 internets to maxrmk
MyndPhreak: Man, Darky, Y U SO SRS?

Then he switched to head phones and went on trying to make me feel bad 
ranting on how i can not get him demoted or banned .
still like the server just think this guy realy should not be admin.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 09:26:18 PM by Darky »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Thieving Admin
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 09:45:32 PM »
Darky, this isn't a forum related specifically to a Disco server.
The advertisement you may see on one of the servers is for our admin mod we wrote, ULX.
We don't own the servers that run ULX. We make them better
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Darky

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Re: Thieving Admin
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2011, 09:52:47 PM »
yeah sorry wrong place .