Author Topic: Disconnected players  (Read 6628 times)

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Offline Willdy

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Disconnected players
« on: September 09, 2011, 03:31:14 PM »
Would it be possible for someone to make a plugin for ULX which would show recently disconnected players (last 5 or 10) and there Steam IDs?

I run a TTT server and many people join, RDM a bit then leave. We have made a simple lua plugin to display the SID of people when they disconnect but a few of our admins find it hard to read the console when the server is busy.

I suggest either a command.. ulx_displaydisconnect and it will show the last 5 or 10 people who disconnected, name and SID or a small GUI which shows 5-10 names.

Offline pikkip

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Re: Disconnected players
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 11:29:04 AM »
That would be awesome to have yes, maybe it would be better that when they disconnect, it says in chat with the standard blue color: "Player [Name] ([SteamID]) disconnected from the game."

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