Author Topic: ULX needs an update  (Read 1788 times)

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Offline hymsan

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ULX needs an update
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:22:02 PM »
Since the latest Garry's mod update, ulx has some issues. I've posted the console errors I get when the server loads up.
Code: [Select]
[addons\ulib2\lua\ulib\shared\util.lua:27] Lua file rights error. A script tried
 to access the file "\cfg\banned_user.cfg". Your current rights only allow acces
s to files in GMod's base folder.
[@lua\includes\extensions\string.lua:34] bad argument #1 to 'string_gmatch' (str
ing expected, got nil)

[addons\ulx2\lua\ulx\base.lua:47] Lua file rights error. A script tried to acces
s the file "\maps\*.bsp". Your current rights only allow access to files in GMod
's base folder.
[@addons\ulx2\lua\ulx\base.lua:49] bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected,
got nil)

[addons\ulib2\lua\ulib\shared\util.lua:27] Lua file rights error. A script tried
 to access the file "\cfg\banned_user.cfg". Your current rights only allow acces
s to files in GMod's base folder.
ERROR: Hook 'ULXInitialize' Failed: [@lua\includes\extensions\string.lua:34] bad
 argument #1 to 'string_gmatch' (string expected, got nil)
Removing Hook 'ULXInitialize'
ERROR: Hook 'ULXDoCfg' Failed: [addons\ulx2\lua\ulx\end.lua:71] attempt to call
field 'addKickReason' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXDoCfg'

Running latest revision, just a heads up a lot of addons have been broken.

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Re: ULX needs an update
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 05:28:02 PM »
Please check for similar threads before posting.
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