Author Topic: Server hacking.  (Read 9748 times)

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Offline JamminR

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Re: Server hacking.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2011, 04:13:49 PM »
sleep at night knowing ULX is secure enough to thwart the likes of me

As we've said time and time again, we never guarantee 100% that ULX can't be exploited alone.
We just often find that many other mods/gamemodes are used in combination with ULX. ULX is just often used to make it easier for people to administrate a server, whether that person should have access to administer or not.

Additionally, we believe in full disclosure, and we've not yet been shown direct code/exploit examples (at least, I've not seen them) to show that ULX is the root cause.

Re: Likes of you?
I can't speak for Megiddo, but I'll speak for myself.
You've put too much personally identifiable information about yourself on the net if you wish to act all scary.
I have no fear.
Am I saying your not capable of great exploitation? Absolutely not.
Am I saying you don't have a legion of acquaintances to assist you when you decide to stir trouble? No.
Do I think you'd be the original creator/discoverer of any said exploitation. - No. I just think you want to be a great script kiddie.
Knowing what I learned about 'your likes' in just 5-10 minutes of boredom cross referencing various blogs and personal sites, I'll personally sleep just fine, thanks for asking.
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Offline MrPresident

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Re: Server hacking.
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2011, 04:45:26 PM »
He does sleep well at night.. I can attest to this due to my hidden camer... I mean spy c... I mean..

carry on...

Offline JamminR

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Re: Server hacking.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2011, 08:07:02 PM »
I can attest to this due to

Good to know I keep you up at night with late night entertainment.

"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline strategos

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Re: Server hacking.
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2011, 08:19:21 PM »

krooks what you said doesn't make sense but OKAY

(cough that's a way to stop maybe exploiters not 'hackers')

Also erm. I don't mean to ruin the party and I have been enjoying myself reading this but hacking isn't erm, what happened. Megiddo you can sleep at night knowing ULX is secure enough to thwart the likes of me from overtaking it.

Mr. Anonymous wannabe needs to make his more secure says this observer.

I'm NOT an anonymous wannabe (I just happen to like the way the avatar looks. I don't actually support anonymous)

Pretty gay how you created an account just to troll the thread.

I'm sure it took no skill what-so-ever. some exploit told to you by a friend or a script you found on the internet from back when I had scriptenforcer disabled. You pretend to be some super-1337 gmod server exploiter to the point where you have a friend join to make up about you. It's sad how people like you have nothing to do with your time. Thanks for going there.

I may have over-reacted a bit because I thought I had the server 100% secured. I spent a few days testing security settings and then this happens.

Anways... I checked and double checked the permissions.. Must have been some exploit in the custom code I had going on..
Oh well. Something like this hasn't happened since so I'm fine.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 08:50:52 PM by strategos »