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Garry changed file I/O API in Oct 14 update
Garry's changed the file I/O API in today's update. The current release version of ULX and ULib will no longer work at 100% with these changes.
But have no fear! SVN ULib revision 197 and ULX revision 191 have updated all the file function calls to Garry's new standards. We'll wait a day or two to make sure we caught everything before making a .zip release.
This means we need you to let us know if anything's broken in latest SVN. Happy bug hunting!
Thanks for getting this update out quickly, didn't want to have our server down any longer. :)
Yay! another pointless update >:(
It seems to have altered some CVars. I haven't investigated too far, but I think a few commands such as the sbox_ppldamage may have been changed.
I believe that Garry reverted the breakages in a recent update. Can anyone confirm whether or not the release version of ULX works in latest gmod version?
I have seen no errors other than the old issue of having to add players to FAdmin and ULX user-groups if your running DarkRP. Looks good :D
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