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Garry changed file I/O API in Oct 14 update

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A server I help admin has had multiple issues, the biggest including...
-Names not showing up when commands are issued by another admin
-No logs are showing up in our log folder
We have been faring without, but it is starting to get annoying.


--- Quote from: jdcoolha on October 25, 2011, 08:39:14 PM ---A server I help admin has had multiple issues, the biggest including...
-Names not showing up when commands are issued by another admin
-No logs are showing up in our log folder
We have been faring without, but it is starting to get annoying.

--- End quote ---

Are you using SVN or release on this server?

SVN ought to be functioning just like release at this point, but I did test SVN just now and couldn't replicate either issue you're having. "Names not showing up" could just be a configuration issue. What do you see exactly? For logs, perhaps the permissions for the log folder are misconfigured?


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