Author Topic: Garry's Mod Beta  (Read 49809 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2012, 10:40:47 AM »
Jack, the latest working code has none of the errors you posted as far as I can tell.
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Offline iSnipeu

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2012, 08:32:06 PM »
I'm having trouble with ranks saving over gamemode changes.
I also have a script that gets the rank of players on the forum, then changes it later.

At this time, no one has joined since the data folder was cleared and server restarted.
02:14:16 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Sandbox -- Start the map on sandbox
02:14:30 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:14:31 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: user, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, the groups are different so sync kicks in
02:14:31 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| had their rank synchronised to superadmin -- Rank gets sync'd
02:15:01 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| slapped Themself with 0 damage -- Commands are working fine
02:15:01 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !slap ^
02:15:08 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| changed the map to cs_office -- Reload the map, check if rank stays
02:15:09 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !map cs_office
02:15:09 PM: Server is shutting down/changing levels.

02:15:11 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Sandbox
02:15:25 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:15:25 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: superadmin, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, they are the same so do nothing
02:15:50 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| slapped Themself with 0 damage -- Commands are still working fine
02:15:50 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !slap ^
02:15:56 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| changed the map to cs_office with gamemode terrortown -- Reload the map and change gamemode
02:15:56 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !map cs_office terrortown
02:15:56 PM: Server is shutting down/changing levels.

02:16:00 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town
02:16:21 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:16:21 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: user, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, for some reason I'm now counted as a user and sync kicks in
02:16:21 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| had their rank synchronised to superadmin -- Rank gets sync'd
From this point chat commands (exluding !menu) will return "You do not have access to this command, *name*.", and ulx console commands (exluding ulx menu) will return "You do not have access to this command, *name*."

Sync code
(this is a PlayerInitialSpawn hook)
AVLog( true, "Checking the rank of " .. ply:Nick() .. ", CURRENT RANK: " .. ply:GetUserGroup() .. ", FORUM RANK: " .. group )
if ply:GetUserGroup() != group then
    local userInfo = ULib.ucl.authed[ ply:UniqueID() ]
    ULib.ucl.addUser( ply:SteamID(), userInfo.allow, userInfo.deny, group )
    ulx.fancyLog( "#T had their rank synchronised to #s", ply, group )

It has also happened the other way around, with me starting on trouble in terrorist town and then changing it to sandbox with those same issues.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:35:31 PM by iSnipeu »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2012, 09:19:09 PM »
Meg, Stick, ISnipU's issue have anything to do with Stick's commit to adjust the map change command from "map <x>" to "changelevel <x>".
I could imagine something breaking (be it ULX or b/c of Garry's code itself) losing perms across one compared to another.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2012, 05:09:28 AM »
We'll check into it, iSnipeu. Thank you for the well written bug report with steps to reproduce. :)

Don't think that would cause it JamminR, though it's definitely something we'll check. We issue the gamemode command before changing the map, I think...

Though, maybe it's just something to do with the gamemode terrorist town?
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Offline JackYack13

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2012, 02:52:19 PM »
Jack, the latest working code has none of the errors you posted as far as I can tell.

I updated my folders and most problems are gone indeed. But there are still a few (small) problems left:

  • This happens on succesful votekick:
Code: [Select]
[ERROR] attempt to call global 'PCallError' (a nil value)
  1. voteDone - addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/vote.lua:92
   2. ? - addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/vote.lua:79
    3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
     4. unknown - (tail call):-1
  • The commands / permissions lists don't get loaded into xgui (only categories)
  • XGUI fails to load in Singleplayer when starting a new game for the first time after launching the game (works fine later) - Idk if this can be fixed, but it's not really that much of a problem.
Will post more if I find anything :D

Offline iSnipeu

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2012, 03:43:25 PM »
Though, maybe it's just something to do with the gamemode terrorist town?

Don't think so,
It has happened the other way around and I'm normally running TTT, but changed it to sandbox for testing a few other things. (that was when I first found the issue, but I reproduced it a couple of times starting on different gamemodes to check that it was really a bug.)

I'm guessing that the gamemode command is somehow messing stuff up.

Also, I'm having a problem with ULib.tsayColor...
Silly mistake, thought that it took a table of players :P
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 10:53:21 PM by iSnipeu »

Offline Mors Quaedam

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #66 on: October 16, 2012, 12:28:35 PM »
Can't see any commands in the XGUI, only the categories. Same goes for the permissions editor.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #67 on: October 16, 2012, 05:59:14 PM »
Can't see any commands in the XGUI, only the categories. Same goes for the permissions editor.

Yes, Reported, and quite well in a list even. Thanks.
  • The commands / permissions lists don't get loaded into xgui (only categories)

And, Stickly even mentions it here.
The status of XGUI is... wtf. It appears to be loading and opening correctly (minus a few things), but for some reason I can't actually see any of the controls.

Folks, I get home from work dealing with corporate management...the last thing I want to see is regurgitation in my hobby.
READ entire post before making new repeat comments about what's already known....mmkay?
Our team is working with as much time as we have. ULX is important to us, but it doesn't do our homework or pay our bills.
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« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 06:10:10 PM by JamminR »
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Offline gaz492

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #68 on: October 18, 2012, 04:09:41 PM »
After the new updates (39 and 40) xgui has completely broken.
I will get console logs when i have access to my server.

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #69 on: October 18, 2012, 09:20:00 PM »
JamminR, that post I made was when I couldn't see XGUI at all. Nothing was visible. Categories are a different problem and yes, I am aware they are broken... Until now!

I just pushed an update to git that fixes bugs with the latest GM13 release, and fixes some major XGUI issues. Here's the changes:

-Categories are now expandable in XGUI (yay)
-MOTD has been re-enabled now that HTML is working properly
-Maps menu now shows the correct map icon, or shows noicon.png correctly
-Fixed miscellaneous XGUI errors

Now that more of XGUI is accessible, you may be running into a lot more errors. I tried to fix any major bugs that break XGUI and cause it to become uncloseable, but if you do happen to run across any showstoppers, let me know. (I AM ALREADY AWARE THAT sliders are very messed up, and that you can't scroll in the arguments list or permissions list) :P
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #70 on: October 19, 2012, 06:02:48 PM »
* JamminR claps
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline JamminR

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #71 on: October 21, 2012, 12:29:15 PM »
To the two that were discussing a TTT hang issue, please see,
I split it off due to the fact that it's most likely not a ULib issue.
Do standard addon/version match troubleshooting.
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Offline Moka

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #72 on: October 21, 2012, 03:32:37 PM »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #73 on: October 21, 2012, 05:57:09 PM »
Moka, do you get that in single player, or server?
Did you check to make sure you actually HAVE the file it says is missing? (Check for file in gmod/addons/ulib/lua/ulib)
Are you running our latest beta code from github?
Did you remove all older files from your server path before updating to the Gmod beta ulib code?
(No, normally not needed, but if switching from our normal svn repository to the github location, some SVN clients don't like repo changes)

Did you start getting this after a Gmod Beta update?
When did you start getting this?
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Offline Moka

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Re: Garry's Mod Beta
« Reply #74 on: October 22, 2012, 05:51:55 PM »

I am running the latest version.
I checked, its there.
I have the latest version. Downloaded it 2 days ago... Might actually update right now to see if anything is fixed.
I didnt have any older folders, fresh install.
Does ULX currently work(meaning how it would like gmod 12).? Just wondering so i know if it is me or not.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 05:56:17 PM by Moka »