Author Topic: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?  (Read 5267 times)

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Offline Tonetta777

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I've been using ULX for a long time and a month ago i tried to access the menu and it said that XGUI is not installed or had a major error during start up. There are still commands in the menu but its still missing a lot of features like the settings.

Offline JamminR

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 09:18:07 AM »
Please, more info...we can't help with "it doesn't work (anymore)' ... why? "

Dedicated or listen server?
SVN or release version of ULX?
Did you download either version from ulyssesmod.net? (DO THIS FIRST if not)
What errors occur in server during startup?
What errors occur in client during connect to server?
Does this affect all players (if you have more with access)?
Did you add any new addons/gamemodes?
Did you start using a new gamemode that you had before but didn't use, at the same time this started?
Did you notice any other changes when this started (Gmod update/new player added/something else broke at same time/some file edited manually (even if you think it shouldn't affect ULX))
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Badshar

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2011, 05:09:45 AM »
Im having the exact same problem!

Code: [Select]
67.0 fps  0/32 on map zombiesurvival_b11
//  server.lua               //
// Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
//  sandbox.lua              //
// Loading Server Modules..  //
//  sv_bans.lua              //
//  sv_groups.lua            //
//  sv_maps.lua              //
//  sv_sandbox.lua           //
//  sv_settings.lua          //
// XGUI modules added!       //
//  MODULE: chat.lua         //
//  MODULE: fun.lua          //
//  MODULE: menus.lua        //
//  MODULE: rcon.lua         //
//  MODULE: teleport.lua     //
//  MODULE: user.lua         //
//  MODULE: userhelp.lua     //
//  MODULE: util.lua         //
//  MODULE: vote.lua         //
//  end.lua                  //
// Load Complete!            //
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
[@gamemodes\darkrp\gamemode\fadmin\serversettings\sv_init.lua:2] bad argument #1
 to 'KeyValuesToTable' (string expected, got no value)
Registering gamemode 'darkrp' derived from 'sandbox'
ScriptEnforce is disabled
ERROR: Hook 'ULXDoCfg' Failed: [addons\ulx\lua\ulx\end.lua:71] attempt to call f
ield 'addKickReason' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXDoCfg'
Compressing lua files into data pack..
Skipped. Datapack exists.
Executing dedicated server config file
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Can't init weapon_smg
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Failed to load Steam Service
ServiceStart: failed to start
Unknown command "ServerSettings"
Unknown command "{"
Cannot change maxplayers while the server is running
Unknown command "sbox_admin_nolimits"
Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_thrusters"
Unknown command "contraptionary_intermission_time"
Unknown command "contraptionary_guess_time"
Unknown command "contraptionary_max_guesses"
Unknown command "gmod_ragdoll_fadetime"
Unknown command "}"
Unknown command "durgz_witty_sayings"
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
   VAC secure mode is activated.
CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: weapons_and_amm
Unknown command "disablebank_atm"
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Client "Ghost" connected (
ERROR: Hook 'PropDamageTick' Failed: [addons\propdamage\lua\autorun\pdmg_server.
lua:385] attempt to index field 'orgColor' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'PropDamageTick'
Dropped Ghost from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "Ghost" connected (
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouc
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouc
Entity 217 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Entity 162 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Entity 162 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_combine/breendesk
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
Entity 215 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Can't init weapon_smg
Dropped Ghost from server (Disconnect by user.)
CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: weapons_and_amm
Client "YEAHTOAST(Qc) ^^" connected (
YEAHTOAST(Qc) ^^ was killed by npc_zombie
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Client "((WOLVES))Ganondorf" connected (

Please help!

Dedicated or listen server?      Dedicated
SVN or release version of ULX?     Release
Did you download either version from ulyssesmod.net? (DO THIS FIRST if not) Yes
What errors occur in server during startup? See startup log
What errors occur in client during connect to server?  Fatal xgui error
Does this affect all players (if you have more with access)? all players
Did you add any new addons/gamemodes? no
Did you start using a new gamemode that you had before but didn't use, at the same time this started?  No
Did you notice any other changes when this started (Gmod update/new player added/something else broke at same time/some file edited manually (even if you think it shouldn't affect ULX)) Actually, Yes... Dark rp Door groups don't save when the server restarts anymore......

Edit by Stickly Man!: Fixed code tags on log
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 09:36:46 AM by Stickly Man! »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 09:38:42 AM »
Im having the exact same problem!

Code: [Select]
67.0 fps  0/32 on map zombiesurvival_b11
//  server.lua               //
// Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
//  sandbox.lua              //
// Loading Server Modules..  //
//  sv_bans.lua              //
//  sv_groups.lua            //
//  sv_maps.lua              //
//  sv_sandbox.lua           //
//  sv_settings.lua          //
// XGUI modules added!       //
//  MODULE: chat.lua         //
//  MODULE: fun.lua          //
//  MODULE: menus.lua        //
//  MODULE: rcon.lua         //
//  MODULE: teleport.lua     //
//  MODULE: user.lua         //
//  MODULE: userhelp.lua     //
//  MODULE: util.lua         //
//  MODULE: vote.lua         //
//  end.lua                  //
// Load Complete!            //
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
[@gamemodes\darkrp\gamemode\fadmin\serversettings\sv_init.lua:2] bad argument #1
 to 'KeyValuesToTable' (string expected, got no value)
Registering gamemode 'darkrp' derived from 'sandbox'
ScriptEnforce is disabled
ERROR: Hook 'ULXDoCfg' Failed: [addons\ulx\lua\ulx\end.lua:71] attempt to call f
ield 'addKickReason' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXDoCfg'
Compressing lua files into data pack..
Skipped. Datapack exists.
Executing dedicated server config file
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Can't init weapon_smg
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Failed to load Steam Service
ServiceStart: failed to start
Unknown command "ServerSettings"
Unknown command "{"
Cannot change maxplayers while the server is running
Unknown command "sbox_admin_nolimits"
Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_thrusters"
Unknown command "contraptionary_intermission_time"
Unknown command "contraptionary_guess_time"
Unknown command "contraptionary_max_guesses"
Unknown command "gmod_ragdoll_fadetime"
Unknown command "}"
Unknown command "durgz_witty_sayings"
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
   VAC secure mode is activated.
CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: weapons_and_amm
Unknown command "disablebank_atm"
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "[DC] Xenonmorth" connected (
Client "Ghost" connected (
ERROR: Hook 'PropDamageTick' Failed: [addons\propdamage\lua\autorun\pdmg_server.
lua:385] attempt to index field 'orgColor' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'PropDamageTick'
Dropped Ghost from server (Disconnect by user.)
Client "Ghost" connected (
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouc
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouc
Entity 217 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Entity 162 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Entity 162 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
[DC] Xenonmorth<STEAM_0:0:26973706> spawned model models/props_combine/breendesk
[DC] Xenonmorth was killed by prop_physics
Entity 215 (class 'raggib') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hOwnerEntity' cha
Dropped [DC] Xenonmorth from server (Disconnect by user.)
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Can't init weapon_smg
Dropped Ghost from server (Disconnect by user.)
CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: weapons_and_amm
Client "YEAHTOAST(Qc) ^^" connected (
YEAHTOAST(Qc) ^^ was killed by npc_zombie
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_smg!
Client "((WOLVES))Ganondorf" connected (

Please help!

Dedicated or listen server?      Dedicated
SVN or release version of ULX?     Release
Did you download either version from ulyssesmod.net? (DO THIS FIRST if not) Yes
What errors occur in server during startup? See startup log
What errors occur in client during connect to server?  Fatal xgui error
Does this affect all players (if you have more with access)? all players
Did you add any new addons/gamemodes? no
Did you start using a new gamemode that you had before but didn't use, at the same time this started?  No
Did you notice any other changes when this started (Gmod update/new player added/something else broke at same time/some file edited manually (even if you think it shouldn't affect ULX)) Actually, Yes... Dark rp Door groups don't save when the server restarts anymore......

Edit by Stickly Man!: Fixed code tags on log

What other addons are you running on your server?
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Stickly Man!

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    • XGUI
Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 09:40:41 AM »
From your other post on the other thread:
And i've tried everything, including removing all of the other addons and reinstalling the server.

 Did you try reinstalling your server with ONLY ulx and ulib installed (regular sandbox gamemode) to see if it worked then?

This is the third or so report we've seen of this error, and we think a specific addon is causing the problem.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 03:27:43 PM »
Additionally, there are errors from a DarkRP script (DarkRP has been hacked together by too many authors for us to ever consider supporting it).
As Stickly asks, Please try with no other mods/gamemodes installed than default Gmod and default sandbox.
From server console, do a 'ulx debuginfo' for us too, as that console you copied is missing several/many lines of text.

We're not saying ULib/ULX is the 'only' mods people should run.
We're just unable to replicate the errors some have experienced, and need someone to assist us in finding whats breaking, most likely another mod or gamemode.

"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2011, 03:39:34 PM »
I tried to replicate the error, it doesn't seem to be caused by darkRP, wiremod, or PAC2. (But, it could be a combination of things that are causing it)
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Offline Badshar

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 02:45:19 AM »
What other addons are you running on your server?

Quite a few actually, but this never happened before...

Here are some (most) of the Addon's I have installed:

ATM Banker v2
DerpRP Inv
Mad Cow Sweps

Strange... if i remove ALL of the server addons, excluding Ulx/Ulib of course, I recieve the same error....

Im trying a full redownload of the srcds server files and adding the addons one by one to try and weed out the culprit...

I dont use wiremod and it does not work in default gamemode...

Here is the debug info from console:
Code: [Select]
rcon ulx debuginfo
@addons\ulx\lua\ulx\modules\sh\util.lua:259] bad argument #1 to 'KeyValuesToTable' (string expected, got no value)

My server ip if you guys wish to try and test it:


Offline Megiddo

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Re: XGUI is not installed or had a major error during startup...what?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 03:23:03 AM »
Please make sure you're running the latest version of ULX (we had an update a few days ago).
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.