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Anyone know how to fix this issue yet?

Well, for one, mysqloo is not a lua file it is the dll that goes in lua/bin/. And when you say you did lua_run require('mysqloo') you did it on rcon or the server console directly, right? Running that in your client' console will not output anything. It doesn't make sense that it would not throw an error from console but say the module is missing when the addon tries to require it.

edit: now that I look at it, it's set up as a shared module when it should be server... so if you rename the "sh" folder to "sv" inside the addon it should work. I think the errors are just because it's trying to load mysqloo clientside.


--- Quote from: TweaK on June 28, 2013, 09:52:39 PM ---Well, for one, mysqloo is not a lua file it is the dll that goes in lua/bin/. And when you say you did lua_run require('mysqloo') you did it on rcon or the server console directly, right? Running that in your client' console will not output anything. It doesn't make sense that it would not throw an error from console but say the module is missing when the addon tries to require it.

edit: now that I look at it, it's set up as a shared module when it should be server... so if you rename the "sh" folder to "sv" inside the addon it should work. I think the errors are just because it's trying to load mysqloo clientside.

--- End quote ---

Changing the folder to sv does not make a difference.

When I run require('mysqloo') I get the error

--- Code: ---Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\ mysqloo .lua' (File not found) (@lua_run (line 1))
--- End code ---
which is the same error I receive upon starting the server. (I forgot to mention that previously.)

I mentioned in a previous post that I had libMySQL.dll and mySQLOO.lua installed correctly as I use them for other cross-server content. What I meant to say was mySQLOO.dll, instead of .lua. So both files are installed in the correct place, libMySQL.dll in the same directory as srcds.exe and MySQLOO.dll (actually called gmsv_mysqloo_win32.dll) inside lua/bin.

Try this

--- Code: ---rcon lua_run require( [[mysqloo]] )
--- End code ---
rcon tends to mangle up console input when it comes to quotes as you can see it added spaces. If that doesn't throw an error on the server then I have no idea why it's happening, I can look into it more if needed since I don't actually have this addon installed, but I don't see anything else in the code that would cause this to happen...

I'm not sure if you're misunderstanding me or not, but I'm not calling mysqloo through RCON, it is the first line of the script. (require('mysqloo')).

It doesn't really matter anyway, I don't need the script right now, I just wanted to prepare for server expansion. If and when I need it, I'll hopefully work it out myself. Thanks for the help thus far :D


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