Ulysses Stuff > Releases
As for the installation..
Make sure you have:
libmySQL.dll --Garrysmod root. Same location as srcds.exe
gmsv_mysqloo_win32.dll -- in garrysmod/lua/bin
The script I gave you, just make it an addon, or place it in your garrysmod/lua/autorun/server folder.
If you aren't sure if it's loaded correctly. Try this.
From your server console with the server running type:
If nothing returns then it's good. If it's not loaded, you'll get [ERROR] lua_run:1: Module not found!
--- Quote from: MrPresident on January 18, 2014, 04:04:55 AM ---Which script are you using?
What I did to fix that problem... and this is NOT RECOMMENDED unless you know what you are doing...
Inside of the ULib.ucl.addUser function I modified it to NOT write to the text file.
If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you could also modify whichever MySQL script you are using not to use the addUser function on a player unless they aren't a user. Only setting their group if they are above guest.
When you run addUser (Even if they don't have a group) it creates an entry inside of the users.txt file. When this file gets big enough, the server will hitch when players join the server.
--- End quote ---
I am using MKservers latest script he posted in this thread, would you mind sharing how you got ulib to not write to users.txt? and why is this not recommended?
It's not recommended because it's never recommended to modify base ULIB/ULX files. It won't hurt anything. Just remember to undo this if you ever decide to stop using MySQL authentication.
In addons\ULIB\lua\ulib\server\ucl.lua find:
--- Code: ---function ucl.saveUsers()
for _, userInfo in pairs( ucl.users ) do
table.sort( userInfo.allow )
table.sort( userInfo.deny )
ULib.fileWrite( ULib.UCL_USERS, ULib.makeKeyValues( ucl.users ) )
--- End code ---
replace with:
--- Code: ---function ucl.saveUsers()
for _, userInfo in pairs( ucl.users ) do
table.sort( userInfo.allow )
table.sort( userInfo.deny )
--ULib.fileWrite( ULib.UCL_USERS, ULib.makeKeyValues( ucl.users ) )
--- End code ---
Then just delete your users.txt file. Your game will now stop using it entirely.
Thanks again Mr President, you've been a great help :)
One thing, is it normal that your script stops the ability to edit rank permissions through XGUI?
It shouldn't. My script doesn't do anything to groups.
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