Author Topic: Selling my self. (Web Design, Lua Coding, and Photoshop Art.)  (Read 3233 times)

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Offline LuaTenshi

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Selling my self. (Web Design, Lua Coding, and Photoshop Art.)
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:16:44 AM »
Well not literally, lol.  :P

Any way, so like most of us on this blue marble called earth I need money, and I have a very particular set of skills.  8)

Thoes skills are...

  • Website design.
  • LUA coding.
  • Photoshop Art.
Any way if you are interested please email me or reply here.

My website can be found here... http://kiokucreations.zzl.org/

I am not really sure if this is in the correct section, but this forum does not really have a section for this. I do feel like it should tho.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 07:48:10 PM by HeLLFox_15 »
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Re: Selling my self.
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 06:48:51 PM »
Heh, off topic is fine, developers corner would work too.
And, topic titles are first impression...self to coding projects might have been a better suggestion ;)
I came here looking for someone to weed my lawn. :P
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Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Selling my self.
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 07:42:51 PM »
I came here looking for someone to weed my lawn. :P

That made made my night. But I will change the title so people know where I am coming from.
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Re: Selling my self.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 12:47:13 AM »
I came here looking for someone to weed my lawn. :P

If the price is right....  ::)

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Selling my self. (Web Design, Lua Coding, and Photoshop Art.)
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 12:34:04 AM »
Seems that no one is interested. :(
I cry every time I see that I am not a respected member of this community.

Offline MrPresident

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Re: Selling my self. (Web Design, Lua Coding, and Photoshop Art.)
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 01:12:30 AM »
I am going to be 100% blunt with you here.. and I mean absolutely no disrespect by it what-so-ever.

1. You provide no portfolio. If you want to sell skills, people will need to know what you are capable of.
2. I did some digging and went to your website and I was not impressed. It is kind of neat for what you are using it for, but I would not pay someone to make something like that for me. It almost looks as if you used Adobe Dreamweaver or MS FrontPage to throw it together.

Any time that you try to offer services online to potential buyers you need to at a very minimum go in to detail about what you can do. When you say 'Web Design' what does that include? Are you proficient with serverside scripting like PHP? Can you do websites using CSS and PHP/HTML or do you use an editor with limited design capability? If I commissioned you to design me a website with a login system, would you be able to do that? These are all things that would be useful to post.

What kinds of lua scripts have you written? Can you provide links to releases you've made in the past? Are you able to do full scripts or are you only really good with modifying pre-existing code-bases (aka: ULX mods)

Provide some examples of photoshop works you've done in the past.

Just a few things to think about when posted a thread like this! :)

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Selling my self. (Web Design, Lua Coding, and Photoshop Art.)
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2012, 02:24:24 PM »
I am going to be 100% blunt with you here.. and I mean absolutely no disrespect by it what-so-ever.

1. You provide no portfolio. If you want to sell skills, people will need to know what you are capable of.
2. I did some digging and went to your website and I was not impressed. It is kind of neat for what you are using it for, but I would not pay someone to make something like that for me. It almost looks as if you used Adobe Dreamweaver or MS FrontPage to throw it together.

Any time that you try to offer services online to potential buyers you need to at a very minimum go in to detail about what you can do. When you say 'Web Design' what does that include? Are you proficient with serverside scripting like PHP? Can you do websites using CSS and PHP/HTML or do you use an editor with limited design capability? If I commissioned you to design me a website with a login system, would you be able to do that? These are all things that would be useful to post.

What kinds of lua scripts have you written? Can you provide links to releases you've made in the past? Are you able to do full scripts or are you only really good with modifying pre-existing code-bases (aka: ULX mods)

Provide some examples of photoshop works you've done in the past.

Just a few things to think about when posted a thread like this! :)

Thank you for helping me out by throwing some suggestions out there. I do have a portfolio that would be the front page of my website the Deviant Art slide show. All the images there are made by me. I guess its a little small to be called a portfolio but I will add more images to it when I can. Also I have many images that I can not upload due to them having faces of people that I know in real life. (I hope that last part is understandable.)

For website design I use notepad++ to create the pages, and I know CSS, HTML, Javascript, and very little PHP. So as far as a website goes I can design a site that is visually appealing and does what it needs to do. How ever I can not do Forums or User Authentication stuff/ encryption or any thing complicated like that so if you need that I am not the one your looking for. How ever as I said I can make a pretty good simple website that gets what it needs to do done and looks nice while doing it.

For Lua I can do both plugins and stand alone code, here are some examples.


I wish I had more to show you regarding the above links but, some code (like the code for the screenshot above.) I like to keep private mostly because I am using it on my server and if other servers took the code, it wont be unique any more. How ever I am going to post some unfinished and untested code below (its a plugin for ULX).

Code: [Select]
function ulxRTD( ulx )
    local whitelist = {}
    for k,v in pairs(ulx.cmdsByCategory["Fun"]) do
        table.insert( whitelist, ulx.cmdsByCategory["Fun"][k]["fn"] )
    return whitelist

function ulx.rtd( calling_ply, target_plys, command )
    local wlist = ulxRTD()
    wlist[math.random(1,table.getn(wlist))]( calling_ply )
ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, "#A has rolled ".., command, target_plys )
local rtd = ulx.command( "Utility", "ulx rtd", ulx.rtd, "!rtd" )
rtd:addParam{ type=ULib.cmds.PlayersArg }
rtd:defaultAccess( ULib.ACCESS_SUPERADMIN )
rtd:help( "rtd a target(s)." )

As you can see there are many unfinished things in the code such as line 12 and untested things like line 11. But in short what I am trying to do is give information to the function that I am selecting. (I do know that allot of functions may require different information, but most functions usually follow a similar structure.) The selected function is a random function selected from the fun section of ULX to be used in a RTD manner, thus making a fully adaptive RTD command for ULX.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 01:10:52 AM by HeLLFox_15 »
I cry every time I see that I am not a respected member of this community.