Author Topic: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)  (Read 155354 times)

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Offline MrPresident

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How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:43:37 AM »
This guide will give you instructions and examples on how to add yourself as the root or superadmin for your new ULX installation

RCon Command from the server console while you are connected to the server.
This is very important. You will need to perform this command from the SERVER console. You will need to be connected to the server before you try and perform this command. If you do not have access to your server console (you rent your server from a 3rd party) you will need to use one of the other methods.
Command: ulx adduser <your user name> superadmin
Notes: You can use a partial name. For example if your name is Super Money Socks, you may enter ulx adduser monkey superadmin

RCon Command from the server console while you are not connected to the server.
This is very important. You will need to perform this command from the SERVER console. For this method you do not need to be connected to the server at the time of running this command. You will need to know your STEAM_ID. If you do not know your STEAM_ID, connect to any multiplayer server and type status into your console. If you do not have access to your server console (you rent your server from a 3rd party) you will need to use one of the other methods.
Command: ulx adduserid <Steam_ID> superadmin
Notes: Make sure you properly format your STEAM_ID of this method will not work. An example would be STEAM_0:1:123456

If you do not have access to your server console at all or the RCon password.
This method is a little more complicated than running the console command. It will involve you editing a default garry's mod file. ULX by default will pull admins from the default garry's mod file as well as its own files.
First shut down your server. After your server is shut down, navigate to your users.txt file garrysmod\settings\users.txt
Inside of the users.txt file find the section for 'superadmin' and you should see garry listed there. Don't worry he is commented out by default. Replace his name and Steam_ID with your own and remove the // from in front of the name. This will uncomment out the entry and allow it to take effect. Once you have done this, restart your server and connect.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 02:56:35 PM by MrPresident »

Offline funkymonkeyjohnson

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Re: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 10:20:23 PM »
i did this and it worked then me being stupid i added myself to opperter and cant get back i tryed the things above expesilly the last one but it doesnt help what did i do

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Re: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 06:28:32 PM »
Then use your server console to add yourself back to superadmin.
Not game console, server console.
ulx adduser <your name> superadmin
If all else fails, see our FAQ for resetting to factory defaults and start over.
If that doesn't work, ask for help in the general help section of this forum, not this post.
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Offline allofmywutsteam

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Re: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2017, 07:34:46 PM »
I've ran a ulx-supported server for some time, but I'm coming back after a few months.  I'm faced with me being removed from usergroup "owner" (inherits "superadmin") and added to "superadmin" upon a Server Console restart (NFO).

1. I've added myself to owner in-game (still reverted to superadmin on restart)
2. "" to owner in server console ("")
3. "" to owner in /data/ulib/users.txt (server on or off, "")
4. "" to owner in /settings/users.txt ("")
5. "" to owner using 2, 3, 4 at once before booting up - confirming owner - then rebooting ("")

Curious where I'm missing? I would create a new thread, but this is the most directly relating post.

Edit: putting emotions aside. Although I may consider it, I'm still interested in knowing why the original issue is coming up.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 07:45:29 PM by allofmywutsteam »
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Offline JamminR

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Re: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2017, 09:05:59 PM »
I'm still interested in knowing why the original issue is coming up.
If you are truly adding yourself to superadmin using server console, OR editing files ONLY while the server is OFF, and, are only listed in ONE group (owner) when editing files manually, then you have a conflicting addon or gamemode that's changing your access.
ULX won't move you in any automatic way against your wishes unless you've edited files incorrectly and/or are in two groups.
(One reason we really encourage no manual editing)
You keep mentioning 'owner' - Gmod has no owner group, I'd suggest starting with disabling FAdmin (we have another FAQ for that).
If that doesn't fix it, start looking to see if you have autopromote and/or protection scripts.
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Offline allofmywutsteam

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Re: How do I make myself admin? (3 simple foolproof methods)
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2017, 09:38:25 PM »
If you are truly adding yourself to superadmin using server console, OR editing files ONLY while the server is OFF, and, are only listed in ONE group (owner) when editing files manually, then you have a conflicting addon or gamemode that's changing your access.
ULX won't move you in any automatic way against your wishes unless you've edited files incorrectly and/or are in two groups.
(One reason we really encourage no manual editing)
You keep mentioning 'owner' - Gmod has no owner group, I'd suggest starting with disabling FAdmin (we have another FAQ for that).
If that doesn't fix it, start looking to see if you have autopromote and/or protection scripts.

going thru my addons now, and the transferred /data/ i uploaded for user groups (which may be the issues), but i may need to cut back a bit more vanilla. I've removed "owner" but will continue testing.  Although I have used autopromote in the passed, I don't have it installed at this moment.


i'll keep hunting. thank you. it's odd because, without the owner group, on server restat from server console, the i get added to superadmin. at first i thought there was a conflict somewhere, but now it seems that when restart is run, the adduser <something> is run. i'll keep searching.

UPDATE: after hunting for hours. I concluded that the addons weren't the issue because I literally wiped my entire server was cleaned. But on reboot, the server would run the command. Turns out, I entered this as a forced command upon reboot, and then minimized the section in the control panel.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 03:19:16 PM by allofmywutsteam »
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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