Author Topic: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]  (Read 19102 times)

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Offline 8dario888

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Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:37:31 PM »
I am running ULib 2.50 and ULX 3.60.  When GMod 13 released I moved my groups.txt and users.txt over from a previous ULX version that was running on a Garry's Mod 12.5 (or whatever) server.  Along with ULX/ULib we are running a new prop protection known as NADMOD  Not sure if that is adding to the issue, but just trying to give as much detail as possible.

The issue that I am having is voice chat is being restricted by player groups.  If you are the same group as another user you can hear them and they can hear you, but if you are in different groups you can not hear them and they can not hear you.  A group derived from another group can not talk also. Example: Serveradmin is derived from admin and admin can not hear/speak to serveradmin.

We have sv_alltalk 1 and sv_voiceenable 1.  I'll post our server.cfg below.  Any help would be very appreciated haven't been able to find a fix yet.  If you need any more information let me know.

Code: [Select]
hostname "Biagio's Buildnanza | {Wire,ACF,ULX,FastDL}"
rcon_password "##########"
sv_password ""
sv_region         255
sv_lan 0
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile         1
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_noclipspeed 5
sv_noclipaccelerate         5

sbox_allownpcs 0
sbox_godmode 0
sbox_playershurtplayers 0
sbox_playergod 0
sbox_noclip         1

"sv_tags" "alltalk,gm:sandbox,wire,acf,propcore,fastdl,biagio,buildnanza"
"sbox_allownpcs"         "0"
"sbox_maxprops" "1200"
"sbox_maxragdolls"         "2"
"sbox_maxnpcs" "0"
"sbox_maxballoons" "10"
"sbox_maxeffects"         "10"
"sbox_maxdynamite" "0"
"sbox_maxlamps" "5"
"sbox_maxthrusters" "35"
"sbox_maxwheels" "20"
"sbox_maxhoverballs" "8"
"sbox_maxvehicles" "8"
"sbox_maxbuttons" "20"
"sbox_maxsents" "5"
"sbox_maxemitters" "5"
"sbox_maxspawners" "3"
"sbox_maxturrets" "2"
"sbox_maxwire_turrets" "8"
"sbox_maxwire_thrusters" "35"
"sbox_E2_PropCore" "2"
"sbox_e2_constraints" "2"
"sv_playerpickupallowed" "0"
"wire_holograms_size_max" "50"
"wire_holograms_modelany" "1"
"wire_egp_max_umsg_per_sec" "100"
"sv_airaccelerate" "1000000"
"playx_wire_input" "1"
"sv_kickerrornum"                   "0"
"sv_alltalk" "1"
"sv_voiceenable" "1"

log on
net_maxfilesize 30
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 20000
decalfrequency 10
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_minupdaterate 10

sv_downloadurl "#####################################################"
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"

// execute ban files
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 10:56:28 AM by 8dario888 »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2012, 08:36:31 PM »
Though your server.cfg may have sv_alltalk as 1, it sounds like either it isn't running, or something is changing it after server.cfg
From server console, type sv_alltalk and enter ... is it still 1?

Either way, o, or 1, ULib and ULX have _nothing_ to do with voice communication by default as a group..
We only control what groups one belongs to (hence why I moved this question to Off-Topic)
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Offline 8dario888

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 11:43:31 PM »
I was able to get it to work by setting sv_alltalk 3.  Thanks for the quick response!

Offline dr.banner

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 09:27:20 AM »
I am having the same EXACT problem. I have done a complete reinstall of everything many times and narrowed it down to the group voice restriction. if I add my admin into my group we can chat. I have only added ulx, then started to group us (so we can have different colors) this is when voice gets turned off and only this time. Ive also noticed that even if i go into xgui and check the alltalk box, that it defaults to off again everytime the server is turned on. so to remedy the alltalk defaulting ive added sv_alltalk 1 to my cfg. now xgui show that it is on, but we still cant talk. ive also tried the alltalk 3 setting mentioned above.

EDIT: I do not have nadmod installed yet. the only thing added is ulx.
EDIT EDIT: changing sv_alltalk to 3 via srcds console has solved the problem. changing ingame or the cfg file does nothing.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 09:30:51 AM by dr.banner »

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 02:16:27 PM »
So, it seems Garry has added, or source has added, or Stickly man and I was just never familiar with, a new group talking feature past options of sv_alltalk 0 or 1.
Again, not fault of ULX. Though XGUI includes a feature to use the 'old' 0 or 1... we do nothing to limit voice other than what Source/Gmod already does.

We'll make sure Stickly man sees this so we can research whatever changed to go past 0 or 1.
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Offline 8dario888

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 10:53:55 AM »
I am having the same EXACT problem. I have done a complete reinstall of everything many times and narrowed it down to the group voice restriction. if I add my admin into my group we can chat. I have only added ulx, then started to group us (so we can have different colors) this is when voice gets turned off and only this time. Ive also noticed that even if i go into xgui and check the alltalk box, that it defaults to off again everytime the server is turned on. so to remedy the alltalk defaulting ive added sv_alltalk 1 to my cfg. now xgui show that it is on, but we still cant talk. ive also tried the alltalk 3 setting mentioned above.

EDIT: I do not have nadmod installed yet. the only thing added is ulx.
EDIT EDIT: changing sv_alltalk to 3 via srcds console has solved the problem. changing ingame or the cfg file does nothing.

ULX still sets your sv_alltalk to 1 or 0 whatever you have it set to in sv_settings on server start and overrides your server.cfg.  You need to go into \addons\ulx\lua\ulx\xgui\server and open "sv_settings.lua" and comment out line 15 to disable this.  This is at least how I fixed the issue.
Code: [Select]
--ULib.replicatedWritableCvar( "sv_alltalk", "rep_sv_alltalk", GetConVarNumber( "sv_alltalk" ), false, false, "xgui_svsettings" )

Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2012, 12:53:40 PM »
Are you sure sv_alltalk 3 is a valid option? It seems to me that setting it to "3" will be the same as setting it to "1". So we know that xgui's use of replicated cvars is resetting the value back to 0 on mapchange, but does it still work after doing "sv_alltalk 1" in the console once the map has started?
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Offline dr.banner

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 02:22:29 PM »
yes setting it to 3 is the only thing that works. one thing i did notice though, if i leave and come back to the server when i join, it sets to 1. even though i have changed it manually in cfg to 3. changing it to a 3 or 1 in cfg has the SAME result(no one can voice chat). when i change sv_alltalk to 3 via srcds console, that is the ONLY way it works.
EDIT: since i have a 3 (or it can be a 1) in cfg for alltalk, when i start the server and join, it IS at 1. it is defaulting to 1 with adding sv_alltalk 3 to cfg. i am changing it in srcds console to 3 each time i join. it will stay at 3 untill the server restarts or i leave and come back, then were back at 1 again.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 02:26:01 PM by dr.banner »

Offline 8dario888

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 04:09:34 PM »
yes setting it to 3 is the only thing that works. one thing i did notice though, if i leave and come back to the server when i join, it sets to 1. even though i have changed it manually in cfg to 3. changing it to a 3 or 1 in cfg has the SAME result(no one can voice chat). when i change sv_alltalk to 3 via srcds console, that is the ONLY way it works.
EDIT: since i have a 3 (or it can be a 1) in cfg for alltalk, when i start the server and join, it IS at 1. it is defaulting to 1 with adding sv_alltalk 3 to cfg. i am changing it in srcds console to 3 each time i join. it will stay at 3 untill the server restarts or i leave and come back, then were back at 1 again.

Did you try looking at my previous reply to editing the file sv_settings.lua file?  This will fix the issue of having your server start with "sv_alltalk 1" instead of what your server.cfg says.

Offline 8dario888

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 04:15:12 PM »
Are you sure sv_alltalk 3 is a valid option? It seems to me that setting it to "3" will be the same as setting it to "1". So we know that xgui's use of replicated cvars is resetting the value back to 0 on mapchange, but does it still work after doing "sv_alltalk 1" in the console once the map has started?

Yes, sv_alltalk 3 is a valid option.  I did try to look into it and didn't find much other than it is basically the same as sv_alltalk 1.  For a reason unknown to me sv_alltalk 3 does work in the case of allowing all ranks or groups you may call them communicate over voice together.  To your second question after the map (server) starts changing the value through rcon between 0 and 1 does not change anything in letting the users to communicate .  The only solution I have found is setting sv_alltalk 3.  I hope that answers the question thoroughly.

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 08:45:38 AM »
Well.. then what's sv_alltalk 2? ??? I'm assuming it must be a valid option as well because it makes no sense to just jump to 3. I'll have to do some testing of this when I get some time.

EDIT: I've disabled the replicated cvar in this commit for now. It's not tested, so if things randomly start throwing errors, let me know.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 08:55:07 AM by Stickly Man! »
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Offline TweaK

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 09:37:44 AM »
I believe it goes like this...

0 - team only, local
1 - team only, everywhere
2 - everyone, local
3 - everyone, everywhere

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 10:15:27 AM »
Interesting, thanks TweaK! Does local mean within some distance? Is there a new cvar for said distance?

And this is a Garry's Mod related feature, not just a specific gamemode, correct?

This will help make the testing process much easier later :P
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Offline TweaK

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2012, 10:51:40 AM »
Yeah, the voice will actually come from the player, and fade out when you get farther away... neat feature maybe for other gamemodes but I've only tested it on sandbox.

Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: Voice chat is restricted by Groups [Solved]
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2012, 09:38:27 PM »
K, I think the latest git commit should have this fixed and alltalk replaced with a nice dropdown box of options. What Tweak posted seems to be accurate except that I noticed absolutely no difference between sv_alltalk 0 and 1-- They both allowed me to hear my team (one other player) from anywhere on the map. Can anyone verify this?
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