AFK kicker, indeed.
A release was once considered or made as a ULib module by several, including Megiddo for Gmod 9 ULib I think, and then
one for Gmod 10 Ulib by our friend, MrPresident (zakap at the time)
It would seem time one get's been ages since we had a new one.
As for putting one in ULX, I'm still for it.
As for a swear blocker, no, not by Ulysses within ULX itself.
Someone is more than welcome to attempt to write a good module, but, as a whole, they're too laggy or modify chat hooks that break who knows what else.
Click on "suggestions" above this topic post, then type 'swear' in the search box.
You'll see that it's been suggested before, and we have plenty more detail as to why not us.
(Some community members have contributed various code...most of it using old >Gmod13 base.