Author Topic: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib  (Read 110698 times)

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Offline centran

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #90 on: June 05, 2013, 10:05:59 AM »
Here is also an error, I get from the server console: addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:248: attempt to index field 'Select Admin Groups' (a nil value)
It also lists me as console on the sourcebans website, when I have a sourcebans account with my correct steamid.

Did you made the modification to line 137 of the sourcebans module? It sounds like you aren't loading the admins and making that modification will load all admins in sourcebans.

Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #91 on: June 16, 2013, 11:45:55 PM »
This was nice, until this...

Heres a little copypasta from my console.

Code: [Select]
You banned Yourself permanently (Because i can)
Rainbow Dash!: !ban rain 0 Because i can
Rainbow Dash!: uhm
Rainbow Dash!: why am i still here?
Type /buymicrowave to buy a Microwave Oven that spawns food.
Type /buymicrowave to buy a Microwave Oven that spawns food.

now for a Screenie of my sourcebans (note that player banned is not me)


Code: [Select]
Rainbow Dash! banned Themself permanently (Because i can)
ServerLog: [ULX] Rainbow Dash! banned Themself permanently (Because i can)
ServerLog: "Rainbow Dash!<7><STEAM_0:1:16716622><Citizen>" say "!ban rain 0 Because i can"

ServerLog: "Rainbow Dash!<7><STEAM_0:1:16716622><Citizen>" say "uhm"

ServerLog: "Rainbow Dash!<7><STEAM_0:1:16716622><Citizen>" say "why am i still here?"

No errors, but no bans either? I tried kicking myself, but i can come straight back.
Uhm, whats a signature?

Offline Dazzuh

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #92 on: June 18, 2013, 01:13:35 PM »
I can't seem to get Gmod to connect to mysql whatsoever, the mysql, webserver and gameserver are all running on the same machine, I've tried using localhost,, the IP, double checked the mysql info, made multiple databases and users yet each time I join game and use sm_ban name length reason it'll say it can't connect to the database.

When I start the server I get this;

Code: [Select]
[Tue Jun 18 23:51:27 2013][SourceBans.lua] Failed to connect to the database: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111). Retrying in 60 seconds.[Tue Jun 18 23:51:27 2013][SourceBans.lua] Failed to connect to the database: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111). Retrying in 60 seconds.

Code: [Select]
sm_ban dazzuh 1 testing
The database is not active at the moment. Your command could not be completed.

Offline rainbow Dash

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2013, 08:09:47 PM »
Was about to start bitching how after a complete wipe and retry, that nothing was working, but as i was about to paste my database config i noticed my password was wrong cause i held shift too long.

Code: [Select]
[ERROR] Invalid object2! (not userdata)
Type was: 0

  1. unknown - [C]:-1

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 446)]

EDIT: Been a while, but now im getting no issues other than the issue of cross server databases and persistent conenctions
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 05:05:48 AM by rainbow Dash »
Uhm, whats a signature?

Offline cineruss

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #94 on: July 25, 2013, 02:42:00 AM »
I get these errors all the time I start.

Code: [Select]

Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/mysqloo.lua' (File not found) (@addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 24))
Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/mysqloo.lua' (File not found) (@addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 24))

[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua:24: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua:24
    3. include - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua:24: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans.lua:24
    3. include - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

//  MODULE: sourcebans_init.lua//
Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/mysqloo.lua' (File not found) (@lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 24))
Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/mysqloo.lua' (File not found) (@lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 24))

[ERROR] lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24
    3. require - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
            11. include - [C]:-1
             12. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

[ERROR] lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24
    3. require - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
            11. include - [C]:-1
             12. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
    3. include - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5: Module not found!
  1. require - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
    3. include - [C]:-1
     4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
      5. include - [C]:-1
       6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
        7. include - [C]:-1
         8. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
          9. include - [C]:-1
           10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3

Offline n00bl3t

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #95 on: July 25, 2013, 06:18:03 PM »
I managed to get as far as it somewhat working...I think.

I received no errors/bugs however when I would ban someone (like myself for example) it wouldn't remove me from the server.

Any ideas?

Offline BlueGhostHD

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #96 on: August 12, 2013, 05:21:55 PM »
I've followed the instructions multiple times, and I still can't get it working. :-\

Here are the lua errors when I use "ulx sbanid"
Code: [Select]
Lua Error: [ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sban.lua:43: attempt to index global 'sourcebans' (a nil value) 1. call - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sban.lua:43 2. __fn - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943 3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296 4. Run - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69 5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1310 6. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69

Offline BlueGhostHD

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2013, 10:13:54 AM »
When I ban players for a week now, it turns it into minutes...

Offline TrulyRazor

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #98 on: September 11, 2013, 01:49:50 PM »
Everything seems to be fine, but when I click "ulx sban" in the ulx menu, nothing happens!

Code: [Select]
[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sban.lua:12: attempt to index global 'sourcebans' (a nil value)
  1. call - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/sban.lua:12
   2. __fn - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943
    3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296
     4. Run - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
      5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1310
       6. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 01:54:53 PM by TrulyRazor »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #99 on: September 11, 2013, 03:30:16 PM »
That error appears 2-3 times in this topic, and the answer so far is the same.
Make sure your sourcebans module is loading.
It should show loaded much earlier in the server console.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline TrulyRazor

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #100 on: September 16, 2013, 03:10:30 AM »
That error appears 2-3 times in this topic, and the answer so far is the same.
Make sure your sourcebans module is loading.
It should show loaded much earlier in the server console.

How could I fix it if it isn't loading properly?

Offline JamminR

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #101 on: September 16, 2013, 03:22:18 PM »
By following the step by step instructions as linked in the first post that link to the Sourcebans wiki and project.
Once that's done, there's some editing to be done as described.

"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline TrulyRazor

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #102 on: September 16, 2013, 07:02:18 PM »
Whew, I did it!
SouceBans is working like a charm, except for one thing.

When I ban people via the gmod server, the person who banned them shows up as CONSOLE on the site.

I have my steamid and everything setup on the admins thing for the site, and here is my line regarding admins:

    -- Admins
--    ["Select Admins"] = "SELECT a.aid, a.user, a.authid, a.srv_group, a.srv_flags, a.immunity FROM %s_admins a, %s_admins_servers_groups g WHERE g.server_id = %i AND g.admin_id = a.aid";
   ["Select Admins"] = "SELECT a.aid, a.user, a.authid, a.srv_group, a.srv_flags, a.immunity FROM %s_admins a";

Found the error:

Lua Error: [ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:247: attempt to index field 'Select Admin Groups' (a nil value) 1. loadAdmins - addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:247 2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:806 3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 08:33:03 PM by TrulyRazor »

Offline TrulyRazor

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #103 on: September 18, 2013, 05:17:03 PM »
Whew, I did it!
SouceBans is working like a charm, except for one thing.

When I ban people via the gmod server, the person who banned them shows up as CONSOLE on the site.

I have my steamid and everything setup on the admins thing for the site, and here is my line regarding admins:

    -- Admins
--    ["Select Admins"] = "SELECT a.aid, a.user, a.authid, a.srv_group, a.srv_flags, a.immunity FROM %s_admins a, %s_admins_servers_groups g WHERE g.server_id = %i AND g.admin_id = a.aid";
   ["Select Admins"] = "SELECT a.aid, a.user, a.authid, a.srv_group, a.srv_flags, a.immunity FROM %s_admins a";

Found the error:

Lua Error: [ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:247: attempt to index field 'Select Admin Groups' (a nil value) 1. loadAdmins - addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:247 2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:806 3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69

This is a really urgent issue. Anyone have a fix?

Offline Storm

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Re: Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
« Reply #104 on: September 19, 2013, 07:37:26 AM »
I would desperately like to put sourcebans on my gmod servers but there are so many "fixes" to the original instructions, I got totally lost. Can I ask though- if I switch to sourcebans, what happens to my existing bans on ulx? Do they transfer through the banned_user file? Or are they lost?