Author Topic: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod  (Read 133861 times)

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Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #60 on: August 19, 2014, 05:25:49 PM »
Pardon me sir, but ive come to the conclusion that I am a complete idiot, and deserve nothing less then the most severe kind of mental torture you have to offer. simply due to the fact I had the old version in the same folder as the new version and mistaked the new version for the old version placing the old version in the server.... (deep breath)

please forgive my absentmindedness, excuse me for wasting your time.

HOWEVER, updating the newer mod is always a good idea to maintain currency. just because im a moron does not mean ^ they are.
a requested update is worth looking into.
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Offline MrPresident

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2014, 05:38:29 PM »
So, does the newest version work or not? :P

I'm all kinds of confused.

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2014, 09:49:11 PM »
the newest version works... im just an idiot for not paying attention.

I had both files, old and new, I mistaked the old one for the new one and was like "it is broken!!!" by mistake.
make sense  :-[
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Offline MrPresident

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2014, 10:51:02 PM »
No worries, just glad we sorted it out. :)

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #64 on: August 20, 2014, 03:10:36 AM »
I still don't see anything around players that are AFK, so is the DrawAFKStatus() function supposed to do something?  :-\

Offline H3llGhost

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2014, 07:02:38 AM »
Hello everyone,

I am a little bit confused about this thread.
So, does the newest version work or not? :P

I'm all kinds of confused.
The newest version is 3.1, the version of the download of OP is 3.0. Is that right?
Because there is a post from Mr. P which indicates that there is change in gmod.

The latest gmod update did change the way entities are handled. I'll have to take a look. Thanks for the error. It helps.

But there is no edit of the OP and no post with release notes about a new version.
So what is the actual version? :)

Furthermore is there the possibility to get access on a public source repository for your plugin for example to share pull requests and so on?
I have found https://github.com/aaronhatton/TTT/tree/master/addons/ULX_AFK, but the last change is from Feb. 2013.

Another improvement would be the ability to inject another command before kicking like moving the person to spectator. In general a configuration/hook to register an ULX command like fspec (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=7437.0) would be great.

A last question:
How long is your script? Regarding this post the script is "very" long and my script file is only about 190 lines:
heres the error message, server didn't like this at all!

[ERROR] lua/autorun/aafk.lua:375: Tried to use a NULL entity!
    1.GetAnges - [C]:-1
       2.unknown lua/autorun/aafk.lua:375

getting similar errors for lua/ulx/modules/sh directory as well, therefore thusly, I conclude said file is broken kind sir. (puff puff)

Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 07:08:22 AM by H3llGhost »

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2014, 07:59:53 AM »
Lemme break this down,

I had the wrong file, and a mistake on my part. At the time I was sure I had the right one, but checking again it turned out I had incidentally mistaken the old file, thinking it was the new one. you see, I had both in the same folder. The 3.0 update made at said date functions perfectly well.

- 3.1 however is just a slight touch up regarding how the echo is worded when displayed in chat.

- In regards to your other point, MrPresident; he's right in saying the download in the OP is infact 3.0 and not the updated 3.1

- No the script is not over 300 lines long, trust me.

In summery
 3.0 works, I'm just and idiot.

 3.1 is in fact NOT in the OP's download, as it should be, and probably wanna take a look at that.

 My console read the same script and looped somehow, potentially doubling the Read All size of the script, almost like a "ok this didn't work let's try again just incase... oh it still didn't work, okay error message." or it could simply be a lua error code. my knowledge is still limited as to the specifications of lua and how it functions.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 08:04:52 AM by chaoswolf »
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Offline H3llGhost

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2014, 09:36:22 AM »
Thank for your fast reply.

So in general 3.1 doesn't provide any new features or similar.
I hope there is interest to extend from Mr. P to handle feedback and feature requests.

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2014, 09:50:12 AM »
Oh rest assured he will see this thread, and it is highly likely he may take notice to the 3.0 download in the PO and replace it with the 3.1

and yes, the only difference between 3.0 and 3.1 is the way the ply.notify is worded.
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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #69 on: August 23, 2014, 01:07:43 AM »
The version in the OP is 3.1.
I just forgot to change the addon.txt, which is deprecated now anyway.

Offline H3llGhost

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #70 on: August 23, 2014, 08:43:40 AM »
The version in the OP is 3.1.
I just forgot to change the addon.txt, which is deprecated now anyway.
Ah okay, how is the addon version indicated now?

What do you think about a staging in afk?
First announcin then moving to spectator and kicking it afterwards?

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #71 on: August 23, 2014, 11:44:07 AM »
I think that sounds like a pretty good idea, perhaps it could be added to the config.lua whether or not the host wants said afk player to be moved to spectator. +1 karma to you for the idea.
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Offline MrPresident

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #72 on: August 23, 2014, 12:34:23 PM »
Ah okay, how is the addon version indicated now?

What do you think about a staging in afk?
First announcin then moving to spectator and kicking it afterwards?

Not all gamemodes support Spectator mode

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #73 on: August 23, 2014, 01:46:48 PM »
which brings us back to the config, if the default is set to 0 then they wont have to worry about it, but at least they would have the option of moving afk to spectator before kicking them. provided their gamemode does support spectator. if not, then they wont really mess with the default.
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Re: AAFK V_3.1 : Anti-AFK system for Garry's Mod
« Reply #74 on: August 23, 2014, 11:55:49 PM »
Chaos, by default, if someone gets kicked and then comes back, don't they then officially become spectator?
You're asking to change the way a release acts for one gamemode, "niche market" changes.
Can't speak for MrP here, but time is limited, and changing just for one gamemode complicates code.
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