Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions

Echo Admin Commands to Admins only

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--- Quote from: JamminR on February 03, 2013, 05:05:51 PM ---

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And my suggestion was to rather; instead of making it echo !kick, to make it echo !kick AND to Admins (You) kicked (Someone) for Blah, rather than just seeing !kick.

Stickly Man!:

--- Quote ---; 1 - ANONYMOUS Output to players without access to see who used the command (admins by default) similar to "(Someone) slapped Bob with 0 damage"
--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure that's what this option is-- Players without access (there's an access tag you can give groups for this) will see "(Someone) kicked Bob!" where admins will see "Person kicked Bob!". If you don't want the players seeing "(Someone) kicked Bob!", then I don't think we have an option for that.

The chat command will show up always for just about every command, I believe.


--- Quote from: Stickly Man! on February 04, 2013, 08:25:39 AM ---I'm pretty sure that's what this option is-- Players without access (there's an access tag you can give groups for this) will see "(Someone) kicked Bob!" where admins will see "Person kicked Bob!". If you don't want the players seeing "(Someone) kicked Bob!", then I don't think we have an option for that.

The chat command will show up always for just about every command, I believe.

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That's what I'm looking for, for it to say (Admin) kicked Bob; but not to echo (Someone) Kicked bob to non admins.

Do you think you could implement this?

Stickly Man!:
I imagine it would be easy, but, seeing how this is in Megiddo's area of code, I'd have to run it by him first :P I shall keep it in mind though.


--- Quote from: Stickly Man! on February 06, 2013, 02:52:36 PM ---I imagine it would be easy, but, seeing how this is in Megiddo's area of code, I'd have to run it by him first :P I shall keep it in mind though.

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It would help me alot if you could :)


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