You can also do so that, only 1 ULX rank or FAdmin rank and or admins can use the job.
Use this code:
customCheck = function(ply) return ply:CheckGroup("donator") or ply:IsAdmin() end,
If you're using FAdmin replace
ply:GetNWString("usergroup") == "donator" or ply:IsAdmin
Job Example:
TEAM_DONATORJOB = DarkRP.createJob("Swat", -- Name
color = Color(238, 99, 99, 255), -- Team color
model = "models/player/mossman.mdl", -- Player model
description = [[As a cook, it is your responsibility to feed the other members of your city.
You can spawn a microwave and sell the food you make: /Buymicrowave]], -- Job description
weapons = {}, -- Additional weapons
command = "Swat", -- Command to become the job
max = 2, -- Maximum amount of said job
salary = 45, -- Salary
admin = 0, -- Requires Admin? 1 for yes, 0 for no.
vote = false, -- Do they need to vote? true for yes, false for no.
hasLicense = false, -- Has a license
customCheck = function(ply) return ply:GetNWString("usergroup") == "donator" or ply:IsAdmin() end, -- The extra check function. Enter nil or nothing to not have a restriction