Author Topic: IS there any type of player ranking system around for GM13? Winner gets points?  (Read 2667 times)

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Offline sal101

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Is there any type of Ranking system made for GM13? By that I mean, have a small server list that  ranks people by specific variables such as time on server for example...

I.E IF X played longer than Y, X would be First in the list

The list would maybe be enabled client side by a command maybe !rank or something?

Dunno if theres one out there, it would be cool if there was

I also have another question, if anyone is familiar with The Pointshop mod, is there a script around that would give  the winning team extra points?

I.e if x y  and z are on Runners, and E  is on death If y and z die, but X is able to kill E and win he gets 5 points... Vice versa.. If Death wins he/they get 5 points.

Offline JamminR

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Not sure what you mean ranks.
If you mean groups, may want to check out Autopromote in our releases area.
Somewhere in later pages (or re-release) I think someone ported to Gmod13.
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Offline MrPresident

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Me means like a player standing list. Sorted by certain criteria.

There is nothing like that that I know of. To make one you would need to store the data in some sort of archive and retrieval system (likely SQLite or MySQL).

Offline sal101

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Ah, Yeah President is right on in terms of what I meant.

Thanks for the quick replies, how about in regards to the question about pointshop?

Offline MrPresident

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You would have to edit the code for TTT or Deathrun or whatever gamemode you are running. You would then have to add a line to add points to that player.

Most of us here are neither familiar with those gamemodes or Pointshop so I can't give you specific help, sorry.

Offline nathan736

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if your using point shop theres a easy way to do it  ttt its easy as well death run although you need to find hooks for it
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