Author Topic: Garrysmod 10 member teams configuration  (Read 3307 times)

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Offline Griff

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Garrysmod 10 member teams configuration
« on: December 30, 2006, 08:49:33 AM »
hi. first of all, i am trying to get the member teams, to automaticly put a player, in a certain group from the users.txt file in the "settings" folder. but when the init.lua is run, it says its unable to.

Code: [Select]
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "PlayerReloadToolmenu", ReloadToolMenu )

AddCSLuaFile( "teams.lua" );
include( "teams.lua" );
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn( player )
if ( pl:IsUserGroup( "SuperAdmin" )) then
player:SetTeam( SuperAdmins.Index );
    player:SetTeam( Clients.Index );

i dont know what i am doing wrong here.

Code: [Select]
Clients = { Index = TEAM_BASE_INDEX + 1, Name = "Clients", Color = Color( 255, 255, 0 ) };
Friends = { Index = TEAM_BASE_INDEX + 2, Name = "Friends", Color = Color( 0, 0, 255 ) };
VIPs = { Index = TEAM_BASE_INDEX + 3, Name = "VIPs", Color = Color( 50, 255, 50 ) };
Admins = { Index = TEAM_BASE_INDEX + 4, Name = "Admins", Color = Color( 160, 32, 240 ) };
SuperAdmins = { Index = TEAM_BASE_INDEX + 5, Name = "SuperAdmins", Color = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) };
team.SetUp( Clients.Index, Clients.Name, Clients.Color );
team.SetUp( Friends.Index, Friends.Name, Friends.Color );
team.SetUp( VIPs.Index, VIPs.Name, VIPs.Color );
team.SetUp( Admins.Index, Admins.Name, Admins.Color );
team.SetUp( SuperAdmins.Index, SuperAdmins.Name, SuperAdmins.Color );

this file is perfectly fine i think, but i just put it here for reference.

cl_init.lua just includes teams.lua.

Code: [Select]
// This is your users file
// You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
// Add them to the relevant section
// If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
// in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

//"garry" "STEAM_0:1:XXXXXXXX"
"Griff" "STEAM_0:1:XXXXXXXX"

//"garry" "STEAM_0:1:7099"

// vips here
// Friends here

i know my STEAM ID has loads of X's in it. its NOT like that in the file. i just dont give away my steam id. :)

anyway. i am just trying to get the script to well, on player join move the player to the specified teem, decided from users.txt. i do script, but not lua. just php, and mrc etc. so any code that you can give me, or help or otherwise is much apreciated.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2006, 08:15:00 AM by Griff »