This plugin is actually kinda cool. I woke up one day saying, "I want to be a tree", so I ended up messing around with :SetModel() and I just learned how to put addons in Xgui menu, so I chose to create this plugin.
Please Keep Note:If you like this addon, I would really appreciate a "Compliment" Karma which is located next to my name. That's how I know you care
You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview imageHOW TO USE:You can type !setmodel PLAYERNAME MODEL RRR GGG BBB (R, G, B is optional) or do !menu and go to "Apple's Creations" and find "Set Model". It's somewhat easy to use
[Ex.] !setmodel Justin models/props_c17/FurnitureCouch001a.mdl 255 0 0 -> This would turn whatever player's name was 'Justin' into a
Red Couch
FEATURES:- Default Permission set to Super Admins. This can be changed in the Groups tab in !xgui
- Allows choice of use in !menu or !setmodel
- Allows you to set a color too!
TO-DO-LIST:Add Transparency (optional)
KNOWN BUGS:If you set your model to a model that the server doesn't have it will crash the server or just you.
You must be registered and logged in the ulx forum to see the download link which is found under the preview image